The room became silent after his words, and then Cyra let out a sigh.
"But it seems more people will attack me for the treasures on this, this killing is merely the beginning," Cyra said, hugging him, enjoying his warmth.
"Don't kill without me; it is going to be like we are back in desolate lands- hunting beasts, but this time they are people....wife don't burden yourself with everything I need to let off steam, and I have a new sword. I haven't tasted it yet." Zane felt he should start training with his sword again so he wouldn't get rusty.
Cyra put on her shorts and top and climbed the bed, cuddling Zane to her with her arms around his neck. She breathed in his scent, trying to calm down after smelling burnt flesh.
After a few minutes, her hands started getting naughty, grazing his thighs and slowly moving to his butt, but Zane stopped her.
"Not tonight. I'm going off the island tomorrow...I have plans with Viktor," He said holding her hands together.