Chapter 122- Love, take care.

The next day, Cyra woke up reluctantly. She felt the sun shining through the curtains and yawned, still feeling tired.

She glanced at the side of the bed and saw a sleepy figure beside her. Leaning in, she kissed him softly before climbing off the bed.

Checking the time, she saw it was 10 a.m., and a message notified her that the Aerodynes was in the way.

She stretched and headed into the bathroom. Standing under the shower, she sighed as the cold water cascaded over her skin.

Even after her bath, her lethargy lingered. She walked as if sleepwalking, though she was fully aware of her surroundings.

Tying her hair in a ponytail, she slipped into a pair of comfortable jeans that showed off her long legs. She casually picked out a top, and as usual, all her clothes shared one common trait: they were black.

She went downstairs to her cold room and took a bottle out and sat in the armchair waiting for the Aerodynes to arrive.