Chapter 132- Tears of hopelessness streamed down her face.

Nicole didn't give her time to react and swung her claws.

"Arghhh..." The woman screamed in pain as she watched her hands severed at the elbows.

Stunned with fear, her mind grasped the dire situation she was in- fear numbed her pain. She pressed her wounds together to try to stop the bleeding.

Nicole's claws retracted, and she looked at her bloody hands in a trance, swallowing hard. She saw the blood flowing from her body, her fangs extending as she panted from hunger.

She turned to Cyra for permission, and at Cyra's nod, she held the bleeding woman up by the throat. The woman struggled fiercely, summoning her beast, sensing the danger of death, and made a desperate attempt to fight Nicole.

Nicole grew annoyed when she saw her meal struggling about; she kicked at the beast lunging from the side, summoning her tiger to engage the woman's Komodo lizard.