Bruce was happy to finally be back home. He had run out of options on how to stall Jean from coming to his mansion.
He had explained that something had gone wrong with the designs and so the show had to be cancelled in the city.
“But, I want to go to your house tonight then. Why should I go back to my house?”Jean had argued after she had finally accepted that there was not gonna be any show in the city or anywhere else today.
Bruce had to think very quickly.
“Because there will be no one at my house today. My cousin is leaving, so we’re spending the night at a friend’s house. He lives near the airport and we need to spend some time with him before Lyle and the others leave,” he explained with a sincere tone in his voice.
Bruce knew that Jean did not like farewells and goodbyes. It always irritated her tremendously.
“Great, then I will see you on another weekend,” she had greeted with a peck on Bruce’s cheek.