Romantic aspirations at a picnic

Bruce, Lyle and their companions were happy with their picnic lunch for Sunday afternoon. They felt that it had been a splendid idea.

They were all sitting outside of a small tent in the woods, overlooking the lake. They had their lunch packed out on a foldup table in the tent and they helped themselves from the small buffet as they sat on a rug under a tree.

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our relatives from England could also have been here? The forest is big enough to accommodate us all,” Lyle commented with a wide spread of his hands and a big smile on his face.

Some of the wolf clan members were there to see Lyle and his wife off for their last day in the country. The group had some wine with them as well for their outdoor farewell party and they were in no rush.

Some music was playing softly on a radio while everyone had lunch.