Mishka looked through her wardrobe. She needed something for Saturday afternoon at Bruce’s house. Something stylish and flamboyant, just in case they shot any valuable videos which could be used for a music production in future.
“Then, for Grandma’s witches ball I will have to look dazzling as well as classically formal. Like a princess or at least the Lady of a great house,” she told herself on the next day.
Work had not taken up much of her concentration at the office today because her mind had been on the coming Saturday’s double schedule.
Mishka pulled out a few outfits and draped them over her armchair in the corner.
“Let me leave it there and then I can check them out later and make up my mind without stress. It’s not gonna be good for me to stress. Let me get to the dance class and see if Gillian decided to show up,” she told herself as she picked up her vehicle keys from her dressing table and walked out of her bedroom.