Unexpected movie plans and guests

Milla inhaled deeply before speaking.

“Anyway, I was thinking that we could add more life to the movie script and make it exciting by getting actors to start acting out some parts of it. Can you think about that, please?” she asked before rushing inside after Grace, the cook.

“Now, when am I gonna sing when we’re talking about the movie now?” Mishka asked herself. She had expected to practice her song on the porch again this evening, but then Gillian and Milla had surprised her.

“That’s a good idea! We’ll definitely do that!” Gillian called after Milla.

“Well, what do you think? Who can we ask to act in this little movie of ours?” Gillian asked, looking at Mishka, her eyes glinting with excitement.

“I wonder if the wolf streak is laying dormant in Joan’s blood stream and then it comes up in her daughter, even if it didn’t happen to her, as a mother?” Mishka wondered as she looked at Gillian’s eyes.