An interesting discovery in the forest

“Yes, we haven’t seen any wolves around recently, so we’re making a mission of it, just before sunset,” Mishka responded.

Clara nodded with her gaze resting steadily on Mishka.

“Yes, but it’s not a good idea to be out there late because then you could run into night creatures,” Clara remarked, speaking slowly and in a steady tone of voice. It was as if she was giving a warning, but at the same time she did not want anyone to be alarmed.

“What are those?” Mishka asked frowning.

“She might be referring to werewolves, but then again, she might be talking about something else out there that’s strange,” she thought to herself.

“Well, bats for instance. Owls are also frightening at night with those big eyes. In fact, most creatures which are harmless during the day can be dangerous or even lethal at night,” Clara responded with her arms folded across her chest and a mysterious look in her eyes as she stared past Mishka at nothing particular.