Planning to help Mishka and tackle Bruce

“Oh, you will have to describe how these models look or point them out to me from a distance, then I will have a serious talk with them,” Bruce offered after clearing his throat nervously.

“Will it be safe to identify people who are close friends with a stalker? Won’t they really come after Mishka then?” Josh asked with a frown. He had stopped eating altogether.

“It will be okay, I guess, because they already saw me taking Theresa on in the woods. If she’s their leader then they will know that I’m not afraid of her,” Mishka responded with a shrug.

“It’s important to let people know that you know about their wrong deeds. It will be a good warning to them, otherwise they think that they can get away with anything,” Bruce stated in a slow, calm tone.

“But what if they get upset with Mishka for complaining about them to you?” Josh asked, his eyes filling up with fear.