Entering Rank 2

Two more quests to complete" said Shawn as he continued the drawing of the fifth race of his. He placed them in the snow lands of the southern continent.

Meet the Thawns. A race that controls mana to generate ice and snow attacks, they have a skin colour of blue and white hair. Their eyes are silver in colour. Thawns can live for up to 130- 140 years.

They had the traits of bold, fierce and discipline. They would always prefer obedience to instructions and rules over anything else.

Only two races used physical energy, the remaining of the races used mana energy.

*Ding* Congratulations you have completed the quest of making five races for your world Ornio. You have been given 1,200 CP*

"Ok. That is good" said Shawn.

The Upgrading Info appeared.

Requirements for Upgrading.

1. Earn at least 12,000 CP - Done.

2. Have at least five races in your world - Done.

3. Complete at least Six quests - Done

4. Have an overseer for your race or world - Done.

5. Create a realm - Done.

*Host has completed the requirements for upgrading to the next rank. Upgrading in process...*

After a few minutes,

*Congratulations, you have completed the requirements to upgrade to rank 2 and have unlocked more features, races and others*

The World of Ornio suddenly became larger. The borders of the world stretched even further and more ocean regions were formed.

"World has been expanded by 15%"

"This is the best game ever. Now I can build even more landmasses" said Shawn.

*Ding* Note that the world will stop expanding at rank 3 whereby, you can only create a new world upon entering it*

"Great. Another way to pour cold water over my excitement" Shawn said.

*You have unlocked some races. Check in the races section*

*You have unlocked the chances of creating one extra race*

*You have been credited with 1,000CP*

"Shouldn't it be two?" Shawn asked.

*One for each increase in rank*

"Fine" Shawn said.

"How many CP do I have currently?" he asked.

*You have 10,000CP currently*

"Good," said Shawn. "Time to buy more races"

*Suggestion - Host should not place too many races on world as it could affect the balance and status quo*

"Noted," Shawn said.

He opened the race tab, He saw that the races

that had been unlocked were the dwarves, orcs and kobolds.

"Hmmm. Three races. One is a humanoid, the other is monster and the other is animal"

For now I don't have any intentions of using the animal races. So how much is the Orcs and Dwarves"

*Orcs cost 1,500CP, Dwarves cost 2,000CP*

"That is a lot to cost," Shawn said.

*The richer you are, the more classy you become and the higher the cost*

"Alright, I'll buy both of them. Also what are the requirements for entering rank3"

*Deducting CP*

Requirements for Upgrading - Complete Six or all of these quests.

1. Earn at least 22,000 CP - 12,100/22,000

2. Have at least eight races on your world - Currently 5/8

3. Complete at least ten quests - 6/10

4. Have two overseers from a race, your world or realm -

5. Have an evolved race -

6 Perform a specific action on your world -

7 Have one or more higher beings in your world -

Shawn had unlocked the races and now he wondered where he would place them. He looked at the mountains that bordered the snowlands and jungles. He placed the dwarves into clans in that place.

As for the orcs he decided to place them into the desert coasts on the north of the northern continent.

For now he had no ideas of any new race that he wanted to place and he was running out of ideas for the locations.

He decided to do a bit of landmass work.

He expanded the western islands to link to a small continent and made it an archipelago.

He also expanded the land masses of the plains.

He planned to have ten races on his world if that was the case. But he would have to change that if the system demanded it.

*Host has no need to worry. The next to rank requirements do not have a number of race quests.

"Now to having higher beings" he said.

"Fast forward the world to 300 years time"

*Deducting 1,500CP. World fast forwarding.

*300 years have passed*

"He had used 5,000 CP after how long"

Show me the world details and a summary of what has happened over the last 300 years.

World details

Name of World - Ornio.

Sentient Races - 7

Realm Races - 1

Number of Realms - 2

Population of Sentient Beings - 19,200

Population of Animals - 900,000.

Number of Overseer's - 1

Number of Higher beings - 0

"What's a higher being?" Shawn asked.

*A higher being. Unlike an overseer is not picked from the races. The higher being has more power than an overseer and can be called a guardian or something like that.

The higher being is born to be in charge of something and is made or granted the rights by you. The higher being can also be made from a certain belief spawned from the races*

"Ok. Thanks, I seem to have an idea on what I can make or grant that title. Do any of the races have a belief in a certain mythological being? Also can a dead member of a race be made a higher being"

*Processing request..... Yes. Do you want to see it? A higher being can be made as long as they are from your imagination, not part of a race which includes living as one of them*

"Yes!!" Shawn replied.

A tab appeared showing different info's of the mythological beings that the races had a belief in.

Shawn scanned through it and found some interesting ones with their descriptions.

Kadan - After his death, the Kento tribe of the Goldorn race believed that he is a higher being in charge of mana and enlightenment. He is the first mage of the world.

Himlo - Himlo is believed by the Dimoa people of the Haran race to be a man wielding a spear with an inner hole on the tip and holding another spear that had a mana crystal as the tip.

Himlo was a hunter of the Dimoa tribe. He used two spears to hunt everyday which made him to be seen as weird. One day, he came across a stone deer with a white power crystal (A crystal for strengthening one's physical prowess). He managed to kill the deer and took the crystal.

But rather than finding the use of the crystal to cast magic, Himlo discovered its use to the body's physical abilities. Curious, he used it for strengthening his spear attacks and making faster kills. He attached the crystal as the tip of his spear. after sharpening it.

He was impressed with the abilities of his spear, afterall he could use the spear and cast

speedy and strong attacks on prey.

He died also and was buried with his spear that had a mana crystal in it and the other that he had pierced a hole using the power crystal into for the purpose of uniqueness and identification.

The Dimoa tribe, after he died, began to use holed spears for hunting and as their weapon.

Ikdorn - Ikdorn is a creature formed by the elves to be a mythological creature and the protector of the forest. Ikdo has two short antlers, each at the side of his head and a pair of electric blue eyes.

He also had a mane and the legs of a deer along with the wings of an eagle.

Semna - Semna is known as the lady that comes in the night to protect those humans who had done good deeds in the night from the cold and weather. She also comes during the day to come and help them during their hunts.

"I love these beliefs that are held by the races. They are so supernatural. And I have the required posts that I can give them" Shawn said.

I want to make Kadan, Himlo, Ikdorn and Semna all higher beings.

*Are you sure? The total cost for accepting them all is 1,600CP. 1 of these figures cost 400CP*

"Alright then. You always take every opportunity to eat my money" Shawn said.

*Deducting costs. Forming beings*

*Congratulations. You have completed the quest of having higher beings. Rewarded 800CP

A bright light shone and when it left four figures appeared. "Greetings master" they said as they bowed their heads and went on their knees at Shawn.

"Woah. Hold it. No need to go that dramatic a si

mple bow will do"

"We must accord respect to the creator of Ornio," said Semna.

"Alright rise and let me give you your titles" Shawn said