Higher Being Messengers

In the northern lands of the northern continent, and the lands within the mountainous regions that kept the deserts scorching and hot at bay.

A figure walked from the grasslands, through the montane mountain rangea before entering the dried lands of coarse sand.

For this was the purpose which he followed, he was an hermit and his name was Idan.

Born from the Korsoa tribe of the Goldorn's. He was taught in the honor ways of the goldorn with an incredible sense of duty and responsibility, however one day he decided to leave his tribal life behind, curious about what a world without interaction would be and so he began the life of wandering across the plains of both deserts, grasslands and montane.

His right hands gripped the staff he brought with him as he stepped into the burning sande. The winds today were more fierce than he expected but regardless he kept on walking.

Unfortunately, the winds became worse so he covered his face with animal skin, and continued.

For a long time, the dry hot winds hit him countless times and he began panting.

After a while of stopping to drink from his leather bag, he spotted another figure, a goldorn emerging and approaching his side.

"I wonder who it is," he wondered, moving on to meet the figure that would change his life.

Upon getting a closer view, he noticed the Goldorn's hair was white, obviously a sign of old age.

The Old Goldorn noticed approaching him and turned away before walking on with a wooden walking stick in hand as support.

Seeing this, Idan accelerated his speed and caught up, "Allow me to lead you elder." He said with a smile, "The winds are getting more fierce, that way you can avoid getting lost and have someone to accompany you"

"Thank you for your kindness," The old goldorn responded after keeping mute for a minute.

The duo then travelled the deserts and returned back to the green plains and forests.

They stopped at a cave where they took shade from the strong and relentless winds even at night. Idan got some sticks and stones before lighting a fire.

"Why are you not with your tribe?" The old goldorn asked the moment the flame came up.

"I'm away on a personal journey to discover. I don't know but I've always wished to one day be alone and wander the lands searching for something that I can't find but I believe to be in need of,"

"What you said and your reasons do not match the question of why you left. You can just wander the lands and return home. Why do you leave home in search of something that you cannot see?" The Elder questioned.

"For someone who is in need of this constant urge to find what lies beyond. To gain and comprehend what I cannot know from those among me and the limited knowledge that we share"

The Elder remained silent for a while and spoke with a tone of appeasement, "Acceptable, the way of solitude and constant search for knowledge is what one wishes for. But you must know that you cannot make it without others to aid you.

If you wish to comprehend what you do not understand you can do it alone and most of the time spend a long time to do it or do it with others and unlock the joint knowledge together.

Just know that either way, one must still gain and understand more about the world and environment through observation,"

"What do you wish to comprehend and understand?" The Goldorn asked.

"I want to comprehend the laws of mana and the ways of using it and others" Idan replied raising his staff up as a white ball appeared levitating above the long stick.

"You want to really learn a lot but what I will teach you will not go to you alone. Return back to your tribe, go to the other tribes and find more of those who are seeking a life of seclusion and comprehension but to the extent of sharing" said the old goldorn.

"But if I may ask. How and what should I do when I request for these hermit's to join me in our travels and comprehension?" Idan asked.

"Go and return back. You will still meet me in this place."

Idan looked at the elder with a confused gaze but kept his questions to himself, "May I know your name?" he asked.

"I am Kadan,"

"How would I know if you are still going to sit here and how would you survive on your own?" He blurted.

"I will survive on the berries around here. Go and return"

Idan looked around and noticed a handful of desert berries growing on the cave floor as well as the walls, he frowned before leaving, "Whoever that old goldorn was and the tribe he came from, he sure did have a lot of things in the head" he said whilst walking with his staff.

The old goldorn smiled "I need to maintain a degree of control on the rest of the villages and tribes and make myself an legendary figure or high" he said as he sat on the cave floor with his staff on the ground and he closed his eyes.

In the human lands located on the tropical rainforest regions ar west of the northern continent. A lady with white silver hair walked into the village of the human tribe of Talos.

The humans around looked at her appearance in shock, noticing the change of her hair and eyes.

"What are you now Diane?" One of the humans asked, blocking her path.

Diane looked at the man and spoke "The lady of the night and protector, the mother of hunting Semna has appeared and as a request she asks us to erect an obelisk dedicated to her and name it the pillar of protection.

From this obelisk we would be given her protection in the watch of the night as on the side must be a symbol carved with an image of the moon and stars.

I have been chosen to be her messenger and only I will bring news about the words that she wishes to speak,"

"Why must it be you?" A human asked.

"Yes, an ordinary lady that fetches sticks, wood and water for use is made to give us instructions and messages from the mother of hunting,"

"Have you gone crazy? Or have you been seeing things?"

"Even if she's not, there are others more capable than her to be made messenger"

Insults, slurs and doubts were spat from the mouths of the villagers.

Since that is the case and you don't believe me then in three days, the night watcher said that there will be a beast attack and it will ravage our lands. Then we decide if we want to erect that obelisk and if you want someone else to become the messenger"

Diane for some reason felt unfazed by the insults and walked back to the forest.

Three days later, three large red boars emerged from the forests and approached the village, decimating the store houses, even killing out some of the livestock and animals.

The poor crops were destroyed and some of the food stored were taken away or trampled on. When the villagers woke up to see the damages done they remembered Diane's words and some of them feared, and ran to meet the messenger in the forest.

Diane had moved herself and her family who were willing to follow her into the forest came where they could be under Semna's protection.

When the villagers came running they met the messenger awaiting them.

"Would you finally listen to my words or will you continue the stubbornness of I'm not fit for the job?"

Some of the villagers did not like her tone of voice but knew that they didn't listen to her and now had to. They decided to gather stones to use and other things to construct a small stone obelisk to become the pillar of protection.

They then dug some holes around the stone pillar and proceeded to plant some seeds around it. And like that the first pillar of protection was constructed in Ornio and a new type of seed/plant known as night berries emerged.

In the land of the Harans which was in the jungles of the eastern continent, an Haran held a spear. Another Haran was in front also holding a spear which he used in blocking the first Haran's spear.

The attacker was Himlo's great grandson Hor, now challenging the other contesters for the leader of the tribe by having a duel with them.

The Haran who had been struggling to make a comeback finally found an opening and used it.

He took the moment and struck at Hor but the latter just spun around, avoiding the spear's strike before swinging his own, hitting him in the leg. He trapped his opponent.

The ground was wet and the Haran ended up falling hard on the floor. "Surrender!" Hor pointed the spear at the Haran who after looking for a while bowed his head as a sign of subjugation and admitting defeat.

"Two more challenges to go," Hor told himself.

There were two ways for the chief of the Haran tribe to emerge.

One was that the chief was the strongest among the contestants and had bested all others who yearned for the post in a duel.

The second way, which was used most of the time by the Dimoa's was allowing the chief to pick.

But Himlo had advised Hor to challenge all the others so that the chief will have no other choice but to pick him The latter had received grueling training from his great-grandfather every day for seven months and they were so tedious.

They required him to improve his strength and speed which was hard for an individual. To use strength and speed which are not really in sync with each other is hard but should one master it then they are liable to become very athletic.

And so he went on to challenge the other two contestants for the post.