Dozing Off

Shawn, are you preparing to ace the term exams this time?" said Henry, who brought out a novel from his bag and opened it.

"Yeah, you just need to focus. We believe in you. You can beat Henry Howard for all we know you've got the talent and the brains" Charles chimed in, acting supportive.

"You guys, thanks a lot,"

"Don't thank us," Stephanie said before standing from her seat and walking towards Shawn's own.

"Just promise us that you'll work hard. You've been too distracted lately and I can see why your mum took away your phone. She knows that if she doesn't you wouldn't even touch your notes,"

"I hope you are using the time that she’s giving you to work hard and make everyone proud," She added.

“Well for someone who has clinched the post of Saludictorian in class twice in a row to say that, then there is nothing stopping you from going for it,” Charles joined in.

"Well it seems though that she’s right" Shawn shrugged his shoulders.

"Then I suggest that you do what you need to do and we will do what we need to do," Charles said.

"You mean studying?" said Henry

"Maybe but then again I'm too lazy so I'll try to allocate my time" Charles responded.

Shawn looked at the two with squinted eyes, “You guys are just lazy,"

"Yep we are" They chorused before shrugging their shoulders. Within less than a second Steph appeared to punch both of them in the shoulders.

It was still raining heavily at the moment, "I was thinking which one among the seniors would be the Head Boy and who would be the Head Girl and their assistants" Shawn changed the main topic.

"I think Senior Carl will be the Head Boy and I think that senior Rachel will be the Head Girl as for the rest those are not my concerns but I'll be rooting for senior Desmond to be the Assistant" Charles immediately stated his own opinion.

"I can agree with Senior Carl since he does a lot of things that are related to life matters for the school and is very responsible as well as smart," said Harry.

"You mean smart in book terms," Stephanie corrected.

"Both in book terms and street wise. As for Senior Desmond the school's student groups have a common ancestry from his three school fathers.

So if they declare their support the teachers might agree or if they don't they allow the students to declare their support by conducting an election even though it doesn't guarantee who will be the head prefect. It can also serve as a pointer" Harry clarified while adding his words.

Charles then threw out a suggestion, "Shawn maybe you should start trying to control the student groups. There are a lot of things and recognitions that you can gain from doing that"

"I don't think Shawn has to join the student groups to gain recognition for a stable footing in the school. Those groups were initially formed by the school and handled by the teachers but you know we don't like adults interference so the three of senior Desmond's school fathers took responsibility of some to the extent that the teachers had to sit back and not interfere with the way they were being run because they ran them better than when the teachers had control"

"True. After all, the amount of students interested in those activities increased when they came in,"

"It might be a good idea but it all depends on your decision Shawn" Stephanie said.

Shawn was about to respond before he noticed the sky was clearing, "I think that it's time that we go home. The sky is starting to clear" he suggested.

"Ok" they unanimously agreed, literally forgetting about their discussion as they rose from their seats and carried their bags before joining Shawn and leaving the classroom.

Other students were still around but they were all absorbed in their discussions so Shawn went to get his sister and Lucas who had been drenched in the rain.

"Why are you so rough?" Shawn's facial expression changed upon noticing his brother.

"Because I'm still the one who’s going to clean them. Mum may be kind hearted when she comes to dinner but she'll roast me if I dare to leave my clothes around the house and not clean them!" Lucas shouted and whined.

"True out of everyone in the family you are the one who is rough the most,"

"But you're also the most mature,"

"Ish," said Stacy, who was busy munching on some biscuits.

"Really little sis" Lucas looked at Stacy in shock, feigning a heart attack which was then received with rolling eyes.

And Shawn who saw this laughed loudly. "Let's go" he held Stacy's hand and waited for Lucas, still drenched, to get his school bag and move.

The weather was still cloudy as they walked though it had gotten clearer. The streets were all showing signs that the rain was heavy. When Charles and Harry had walked away to their own homes.

"Bye Guys, see you tomorrow" Shawn bade them farewell

"Bye!" They replied with waving,

He and his siblings walked to the road and boarded a taxi.

"Did you follow my advice?" Stephanie said as they walked into it

"Yeah" Shawn replied as he came to sit in the front seat.

The taxi driver drove the car to a street after moving for15 minutes and dropped them off.

Shawn paid for the ride and came out with his siblings before walking on.

He took a turn to the left and walked straight ahead. When they had reached a point, Shawn took a turn to the right and Stephanie took a turn to the left.

The conversation they had before parting was still ringing in Shawn's ears, "Now all we have to do is to wait for Richard to take action. If he does anything after today then we should be able to act," She said.

"You are in reality a boring guy after all," She added.

Thank you for the compliment" Shawn said before then taking the turn to the right.

He wasn’t going to be bothered about one dude petty enough to take revenge over being refused to be given notes of his assignments. With what he had seen the guy shouldn't be that petty right or maybe he was. He wasn't even sure if he was a bully because the way how he treated others was different from how he behaved with Shawn recently.

"You know what, I'll deal with it tomorrow" he told himself.

When they reached the house, he opened the black coloured gates after taking out a key to unlock the lock. Around days like this, his mom would always come back around 5:45 pm.

So he just went inside, closed the door and his siblings went to play. Stacy mentioned that she wanted to watch TV, but Lucas suggested that they watch Netflix instead.

"Noo. I want to watch TV today, I'll watch Netflix with you brother Lucas but The Adventures of Berry boom is coming so let me just watch," Stacy cried while pleading.

The moment their big brother walked into the sitting room and turned on the TV. His gaze landed on Lucas who had returned from his room which was also upstairs. Lucas was also holding his phone.

Shawn then stretched out his hand and grabbed the Phone. "Hey!" Lucas yelled.

"Nope, you are not getting your phone till you have done what you need to do" Shawn responded with a stern face. "And what are those?" Lucas asked while clenching his teeth.

"Do your homework and clean your room" Shawn immediately changed the subject.

"You don't get to tell me what to do," Lucas refuted.

"Alright then, I'll just tell mum that her younger son is so lazy.”

"You're threatening me?!" Lucas glared at his older brother.

"Of course I'm doing it with a touch of discipline and determination. No assignments completed, no room cleaned then no phone and mum knows se finni" Shawn responded with a smug smile.

"Fine," Lucas harrumphed.

"Good brother. Now run along" Shawn said while waving him off


School closed at 2:45 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays was 1:45 pm. The rain fell for 35 minutes and they took a 25 minutes travel so Lucas had 1 hour and 55 minutes to work.

The elder brother went upstairs and started with his homework. He hid Lucas' phone in his wardrobe under his blue jeans which was deep inside his wardrobe after he had shut down the phone. He then jumped on his bed with green bed sheets and a blue pillow as well.

After a while, he started thinking about what he had heard today. He pondered about the next prefects that would be chosen after the current set had graduated from the school.

He wondered if he would be picked, because the choosing of prefects could go down to two classes below the graduating one. Feeling uneasy, he took out a spare note that was located on his shelf and began scribbling. Those were the plans for his world Ornio but while being caught up writing them he suddenly dozed off.

*Logging creators into the world...*

"Why am I here?!" He screamed.

*You have slept in the real world and have been logged into the game world*

"But when did this happen?"

*Since the time that you have logged into the world from day 1*

"But you didn't say anything about having a nap. I thought that it was sleep that required me to log into the world"

*The moment the brain has been

made to rest the game world opens*

"Why do I feel like this is going to become a problem?"