Oh no!

Shawn looked at the world wondering what other ways he could complete the other quests while reading the information in front of him

Requirements for Upgrading - Complete Six or all of these quests.

1. Earn at least 22,000 CP - 16,400/22,000

2. Have at least eight races on your world - Currently 7/8

3. Complete at least ten quests - 8/10

4. Have two overseers from a race, your world or realm - C

5. Have an evolved race -

6 Perform a specific action on your world - C

7 Have one or more higher beings in your world - C

How was he going to have an evolved race?

He turned his gaze to the beast continent, hoping that the beasts become more powerful and grow significantly stronger in this new continent.

They could evolve into new species as he had set the continent to have a much wider abundance of the energies into the world.

Time was passing by quickly so he wanted to complete this.

After thinking for so long he gave up. Just their kind quests and he will be closer than ever to entering the next rank. It was then that he decided he'll just watch the lives of the other races and maybe he might gain some insights from them.

“Ohh what's this?” he looked at the screen with interest.

In the southern continent’s eastern region there was a figure walking on the cold ice floor of a now frozen lake.

One look and it was obvious that the figure was wearing animal hides to cover himself even though his skin was almost the same colour as the snow.

He also had hazel coloured eyes and long black hair and on his right hand was a spear also the same colour as the snow.

The figure eventually crosses the ice floor and enters into the land before rushing to hide near a snow mound while calmly watching its prey. The prey with a dark brown skin having white spots bends its head to eat the plants growing out of the dense snow.

The figure who watched from the hidden mounds of snow aimed the spear from behind one and throws it towards the creature causing the spear hits the target and pieces its skin, coming out of the other end.

The figure, a Thawn, dragged the animal out before placing it on his back and carrying it towards his tribe.

At that moment, the view of the scenery shown from the screen changed to the northern continent, two orcs were hiding behind large rugged rocks and lying in wait for a grazing animal with horns, closely resembling a deer only for the orcs to appear and charged to its front before killing the animal and carrying it off.

"It seems I really need to make more animals in the world" Shawn thought as he started to check the powers tab to see if there was a power that he could use to aid the current situation.

He found a handful of powers such as multiply and increased birth rate and decided to use both powers

Multiply meant that he could create more creatures of the same species without having to wait for them to grow.

Increased birth rate was for improving the number of new births to improve the number of people living in a certain territory.

The powers required a total of 3,000 CP for the range which Shawn intended to use.

He forwarded time by 180 years and the effects were showing in it as it had cost him an additional 900 CP which was the real deal.

Name of World - Ornio.

Sentient Races - 8

Number of Realms - 2

Population of Sentient Beings - 25,000

Population of Animals - 12,000,000.

Number of Overseer's - 6

Number of Higher beings - 4

The beast continent was also having a certain change which he had been waiting for.

He looked at the wolves, the crocs, bears and all other beasts living in the west. Upon taking a closer look, he noticed some differences.

A wolf suddenly rose from the ground and stood on its two legs but only for a second as it soon fell down then it stood up again and feel afterwards. It continued on and on until the wolf was able to walk a few steps with only its two’s.

"Learning to be bipedal," Shawn expressed his thought.

The wolf proceeded to do the same thing in front of others who also imitated the movements and the process spread on and on and this raised Shawn’s concerns.

"What level is this wolf?" he asked the system while eating popcorn.

*Level 50*

"*Choke* What!"

"It has already reached level 50 isn't that too fast?!”

*If my accuracy is correct, the world is around 900 years old. So it isn't wrong for that to occur*

"But is it only for the wolves?"

The screen then changed to show a crocodile that opened its mouth, condensing a mana ball which was then hurled towards two large cats closely resembling leopards. The cats who were unaware were then hit by the mana ball that blew them off the location they were in. The crocodile opened its mouth wide as if to celebrate its victory before going back into the waters.

The screen again switched to show two bears both white and brown moving towards a river. The bears got into the river and used their claws to catch the fishes which they dug into.

All of a sudden, one of the two began standing on two feets which are not unknown for bears. What was strange was the strange glow and flashes that were radiating from its claws.

As if a thunderbolt had been thrown, the bear struck the river using its claws creating trails of blue flashes of light. In response, the fishes were suddenly made to fly out moving haphazardly like they had been electrocuted.

"Did the bear just shock the river?” Shawn looked at the scene with shock.

Now he was impressed because apparently these creatures were all in level 50.

It seems right to have placed them into a place with even more abundant energies and a smaller landmass that way they would be able to evolve faster.

Of all the continents, the western or the beast continent was the smallest but also had a large abundance of energy in it.

Shawn wondered if he could do anything now but he had to wait for the beasts to still evolve even further before he could declare them as a race. He was so excited and as if to be mocked, *Ding* You have overslept and are being awakened. logging creator out of the world*

"Wait what!” Shawn screamed, forgetting to pay attention to the countdown before he was logged out.

When he awoke, the first thing that came over him was a feeling of slight irritation.

“What's the reason for this?” He queried himself only to notice water dripping onto his face and his eyes instantly widened as he spotted his mum holding a bowl of water above his head.

That instant he jumped up and screamed, "Mum. What are you doing!"

“I'm just helping you. After all, you overslept and woke up 30 minutes after your timer was ringing. I tried to get you to stand but you didn't so I resorted to using water but lucky you. I was planning to use two pails,"

"I slept 30 minutes past my timer," Shawn's mouth widened in shock.

He couldn't be bothered about what his mum was trying to do. The only thing he knew was that he needed to get ready for school as soon as possible.

Quickly, he dashed to the bathroom, locked it and started to brush after applying toothpaste, proceeding to turn to the sink and we all know what happens next.

When he came out of his room, he got back to the dining room and began to eat at a quick pace.

"Easy there, no playing with your food and health. Eat slowly," Emily urged him the moment she came out of the kitchen with a yellow apron tied around her waist.

He looked at his mum and dared not disobey her orders and so he slowed down. His sibling Stacy was already out of the house by the time that he was done and he hurried to the car.

"Twenty Minutes gone. What is happening? How did this happen?" Shawn said as he sat in the front seat and his dad Nick started the car and moved out of the compound.

He was really worried because he never missed his alarms for that long. How could he not hear it ringing for 30 minutes? Assuming his mum hadn't been so close to pouring two pails of water on him he would have never gotten out of his bed.

Something wasn't right but he'll figure that out later he has to get to school and deal with whatever might come at him today.

In School,

The students all sat on their respective seats and took out their notes along with their writing materials.

Today's subject was Geography, another of Shawn's favorite subjects along with Mathematics, English, Physics along with Sports and Wednesdays Technology Classes.

"Today's topic will be on Weather and Climate, the classifications and the terms under it," said the geography teacher Mrs Penny.

The class was for the first two periods of the day.

Mrs Penny brought forward a map whi

ch she turned her computer on and showed a clear view of the world map on the interactive board.