
A new week had started as Shawn returned home with his younger sister Stacy after a stressful Monday in school as he climbed the stairs leading right to his room before jumping onto the bed as he stared up at the ceiling.

Today he had used one of his breaks to teach a fellow classmate who had nearly turned to his bully and it was unreasonably strenuous for him, now he felt a bit of pity for his teachers who had to bear with such as he reminisced about the day teaching mathematics.

After spending an unknown amount of time thinking, “Good thing that I have no assignments today," He muttered before closing his eyes, within a matter of seconds he was asleep.

Right at that moment, a system panel appeared in front of him. *Do you wish to enter your world?*

"Yes" was the word that left his mouth by accident or so he thought.

“Wait what!”

Before he could do anything else, the panel closed and a bright light flashed in his face with the pitch darkness that surrounded his consciousness changing to that of a dark themed room with light, giving off the vibes resembling a movie theater.

Currently he was seated on a brown colored couch when a small blue tab appeared in front of him before a large screen followed, coming on to show a round shaped world similar to earth and close to it was a cross shaped world.

“It's been two days now and you didn't let me in!” Shawn screamed letting out an intense rage which had been building up within him.

[Pardon me Master Shawn but the settings had to be updated since you are now in stage 2 as well as your world's.]

“Couldn't you have told me since, yet you made me worry unnecessarily!” Shawn screamed with rage in his tone.


The Master harrumphed before closing his eyes while taking deep breaths, then he asked “So when I enter Stage 3, another update will be done?”


“Better.” Shawn rolled his eyes.

"Show me all the quests for Rank 4 then.” He said.

The empty blue tab in front began to write a series of letters and words before ending with a mechanical voice uttering the word “Done” as Shawn carefully read the contents written.

Complete all Quests

1 Earn at least 60,000 CP - 35,000/60,000.

2 Witness a new change that occurs in the world of Yorn - 0/1

3 Create 2 new realms for yorn - 0/2.

4 Create new energies to place into the world - As many as you want.

5 Have an overlord being - 0/1.

6 Have Ten races in Ornio - 8/10

7 Complete at least 25 quests - 15/25.

8 Set rules concerning the boundaries beetween Ornio and Yorn - As many as you want.

9 Get overlords from the Yorn Realm - 0/...

10 Watch the next 1000+ years of progress in both worlds - 0/1000.

11 Have an extended realm - 0/1.

12 Have two realm races - 0/2.

As he looked at the quests he began to contemplate on which of the quests he had to complete first. Currently he still has 5,775 CP with him.

“Let's start with the extended realm quest first then I'll watch the 1,000 + years go by while completing the other tasks.”

He didn't have time for any research to improve the world due to how busy he was with teaching Richard so watching might just be enough until he could properly adjust.

Not to lie, but Richard was quite the inquisitive type and his revision speed was slower than Shawn expected so now he was dealing with a pickle because he didn't want a penalty on his mark.

He quickly took a deep breath when his thoughts were acting on overdrive as he returned himself to the current reality, "What do you mean by an extended realm?"

[It's as the name states. It is simply a realm that has a part of it linked and made to interact with another realm.]

"Alright but aren't the world's borders between Ornio and Yorn already like that?” Shawn said before a panel appeared in front and he touched the tab before clicking on realms.

The screen in front of him then changed its view from the visual orbiting worlds to the general information about Ornio.

[There's a slight difference. Those are naturally occuring, when made to upon your instructions then they become extended.]

"How do I create an extended realm?" He asked.

[You can create an extended realm by tapping on the realm you want to extend and click on "Extend"]

“That simple uhn?”

[Also keep in mind that you cannot extend a world but only the realms within that world to another world or world's realm.]


[Now that you have two worlds under your control. You can upgrade or extend a realm to affect more than one world and you can extend a realm to have interaction with another realm.

Once a realm becomes extended to another realm. Part of its energy can go into the realm it is extended to and vice versa. However, this extension bridges both of the realms involved.]

Name of World - Ornio.

Age - 1,300 years

Sentient Races - 8

Number of Realms - 3

Population of Sentient Beings - 400,000

Population of Animals - 20,000,000

Number of Overseer's - 6

Number of Higher beings - 8

Shawn returned back to the main orbiting worlds image and clicked on Ornio, the screen changed listing the properties and other options at the right side, including Name, Realms, Energies and others.

Shawn instantly clicked on the realms section on.tjr tab and the screen changed again, showing the realms of Ornio.

He then clicked on the Jury realm and the screen then changed to reveal info about it.

Realm - Jury Realm

World - Ornio

Purpose - Judging, Gathering and Storing the souls of the dead from the World of Ornio.

Race - Soul Hunters.

At the middle of the bottom side of the tab was a button having a plus icon on it with the name under it as 'Extend' which he clicked on.

[Which realm do you want to extend the jury realm too and how will this place be involved and affected by the interaction?]

"I want to extend the jury realm to the higher being realm. This extension will cause a weird dark fog to appear in certain areas of both realms which have been affected by the extension. This extension will act as the gateway to both realms and also contain soul energy"

[To implement this, you will have to pay 500 CP to extend the jury realm]

"Alright. Your money grubbing ways have returned." Shawn said, and within the next moment, he heard the sound of coins being withdrawn and sighed.

"This system truly loves to rip me off." He thought.

[That's the way I was programmed.]

"Damn it. You heard!”

[I can read your thoughts, remember?]

Within the Higher Being Realm, in a vast plain filled with the riches of nature were eight figures, each doing their own thing.

The peaceful atmosphere they enjoyed suddenly became tense as a weird dark fog appeared and expanded towards them.

The sudden appearance made the figures who were higher beings turn alert and quick to respond.

At that moment, a gigantic eye appeared in the sky and a voice spoke from it. "There is no need to be scared.”

The higher beings who understood that it was their creator talking halted their steps and fell to their knees.

"Master Shawn, Forgive me but if I may ask but what is this?" Ikdo was the first to speak.

"The dark fog is the bridge between the jury realm and the Higher Being Realm. With this fog you can absorb a part of the energy that is within the jury realm without entering it." The voice answered.

"So this fog is the extension to another of the realms within the world?" asked Kadan.

"Yes," Shawn replied.

"And there is energy in the fog which you are free to try and absorb. If you dare?" The voice added a chuckle before the eye disappeared.

The eight higher beings then stood up and looked at the dark fog with both suspicion and curiosity.

After a few minutes of contemplating, Kadan was the first to walk towards it. The other higher beings stood alert and watched from the moment he entered till when he began his inspection.

Kadan sat on a grass covered in the dark fog and concentrated on absorbing energy from it, feeling that the energy which he was absorbing was a bit ethereal in nature.

After a while, he opened his eyes and waved his hand towards the other higher beings.

"The energy is strange but it is not harmful. Come let us explore it together." He said cheerfully.

Himlo was the next to come forth after hearing Kadan's outubrst. Slowly, the other higher beings followed and before they knew it, all eight of them were in the dark fog meditating in their own unique way.