Mana Warrior

Yian stared at the three golems glaring intensely at him. He took a deep heavy breath and unsheathed his sword from its leather sheath, a two edged blade with a bright orange hue. The fear in his eyes lingered on for just a split second before they vanished.

"First scared, now brave. Seems he's quick to get a hold of himself " said Kadan who accessed him.

Yian pointed his sword towards the three golems, and bellowed words out with rage, "Come at me with all your strength!" Right when he said that, the edges of his copper sword began to glow with a bright hue as he infused energy within.

It wasn't long before one of the golems reacted and moved to attack him, taking a giant leap before slamming it's fists down with an intent to crush him.

Yivan moved his feet in response, his sword glowing as the aura he emitted grew stronger as he leaped from the Golem’s attack as its fists slammed into the cave floor.

Upon landing, he took the given opportunity to make a dash at it.