The Gish

Garvin placed his hand into his sheep skin bag and brought a few necklaces similar to the ones he had given to the hunters of Toris tribe.

The necklace he held was made with bones and held by animal skin. Meanwhile, the necklaces of the others were made using animal skin only.

"Are you planning to create a party?" Alston immediately questioned..

"What do you think he is planning to do, Dummy!" Wesley attacked with words.

“Now's not the time to bicker.” Garvin said.

The Hunters stopped their arguing and took the necklaces from it before wearing them upon their necks while Garvin wore the one with bones.

After a few seconds has passed, he spoke a single word


Upon saying those words, the necklaces unanimously released a dim light followed by a notification in his head.

[Do you wish to create a party?]

"Yes," He replied.

[State the party's purpose]

"A Travelling fighting party" He replied.

[Processing party formation]