A Strange Experience

On the flat yellowish-brown plain, a key guardian looked ahead, on his hands was a small red orb and his eyes traced the paper earth to the roots of a large tree, each vine or branch holding an orb in its place. Other key guardians near the tree were bringing orbs of different colors to it.

All of a sudden, a blue figure appeared from above the tree. His eyes focused on the key guardians.

"Who are you?" said the key guardian with a crown.

"King Keystone, fear not for I am not a foe."

Keystone didn't flinch at the strange figures' appearance nor his words, he still carried a serious expression on his face "I'll ask again, who are you?"

"I am a higher being I…"

"Regardless of who you are, you are not supposed to be able to enter

the realm of the tree. Only we can grant access to those worthy of entering.”

Dulgol was starting to get annoyed at Keystone's constant interruptions and hostility but he wouldn't want to start a fight with him in his domain.