The Warriors

As time passed on, more and more of our kind were made and though he carried a nonchalant face, he would fall in love.

At the time he was in love, he had become a very powerful magi strong enough to summon fierce winds and change the weather.

His wife Melut, then bore him a son which made him happy, he partied with people for days at the birth of his first offspring. Soon another child came and then a third one. But fate would not let him enjoy his worth as sadness and grief came upon him when his first son died due to a disease which even at the height of his powers, he could not cure.

For days he was saddened but his sadness turned to anger when he was told that the second child he had was dead due to the same illness.

He cursed the deity who made him saying "Why make me so powerful if I cannot heal my joy, my first child! And my second!"