Blake's first challenge

Whatever else was necessary for her complete peace of mind could be guaranteed by his word, which was always dependable (as she knew). He and Rene were both very trustworthy.

So, when Gregory had done what he thought was sufficient to convince Laura that the job offer was genuine, he wished her good luck with her decision.

He also informed her that there were already two assignments awaiting her, if she accepted his offer. Gregory asked her to make up her mind in three days’ time, as a special favor to him, because he did have faith in her.

He also did not want her to lose out on the chance of a lifetime.

This would mean that she could put an end to her financial struggles and fulfil her potential. He then hung up without much further ado. Only a quick “goodbye” and that was it.

Well, that’s a sign that I should be making up my mind very quickly, she thought to herself as she replaced the receiver at her end of the line.

Laura had often thought about something like this of course, but she had always shied away from the idea out of sheer lack of confidence in her looks. Was it not enough, she thought, that she was already earning an income whilst Blake was not?

On the other hand, what if she really set out to make some serious money? Then Blake would soon start feeling inferior again, she thought. He could then soon be expected to start withdrawing himself, as he often does under such circumstances.

Blake always claimed to be happy for her to become a success in whatever she did, but somehow he almost always gave in to periods of jealousy.

Suddenly Laura wondered how she would react if, due to some strange reason such as this, their marriage simply started to disintegrate.

Ever since Blake had simply stayed away without minding about her feelings this week, she had experienced this nagging feeling of insecurity.

It was all in her mind though, she reasoned with herself, because―at the back of her mind―Laura knew this to be a negative reaction and so she admonished herself against such thoughts. She knew her Blake.

But what if money went and changed everything?

On the other hand, if what Gregory was implying could be true―which was very probable―then her problems would soon be over. Laura knew this for a fact, because she was very aware of the currently humble state of their financial affairs.

She should then be able to help Blake make it through university without further financial hurdles. He should be able to understand this, she thought.

Maybe she would then be able to afford to buy a house in the end, Laura mused. Also, to go with that, a new car and furniture. That would complete the picture.

Most importantly though, she realized that she would definitely need a housekeeper who would be a nanny to Monique as well. Modelling hours could be long.

Laura made herself some coffee and poured fruit juice into Monique’s bottle. Then she went to the window to play with her daughter for a while, so that she could consider her options carefully.

After about an hour of intense concentration, Laura heard a knock on the door. She went to open it and found that it was Blake, who was no doubt returning from his interesting, but mysterious expedition.

Blake had promised himself to choose this as the moment when he would tell Laura about his unusual job and about his mysterious experiences, earlier this week.

Laura immediately noticed that her husband appeared happy and excited about something. He has been this way since yesterday, Laura told herself.

As Blake went to the bathroom to shower after kissing her and Monique in greeting, Laura suddenly had the answer to Gregory’s offer.

Surely, she thought, if Blake is suddenly prepared to take chances as he apparently was, then why should I miss out on an opportunity to make good money, simply out of an irrational fear that my marriage would be jeopardized? It was silly to give in to such a small fear.

So she decided to call Gregory in the morning and let him know that she was accepting his offer.


After singing while he had his shower, Blake finally felt ready to let Laura in on his secret and to declare the reason for his new-found state of enthusiasm. He just had to share his excitement with her and thereby set her mind at ease.

He had to explain himself, regarding his unusual behavior earlier this week. Luckily she had not probed him for answers yet.

He cheerfully resumed his usual duties, which involved giving Monique a bath and getting her dressed. He had assumed that Laura would prepare supper, as usual. Today however, Laura was nowhere near any pot or casserole dish. She did not seem to be about to cook at all.

Just as well, Blake thought, because he had already eaten. Laura was sitting in the lounge, paging through a fashion magazine, obviously waiting on him to tell about his “adventures”. This was how he had silently referred to his recent experiences, since meeting Carminda.

Blake picked up the now sweet-smelling Monique, sat down and bounced her on his knee playfully, before addressing his wife, who was sitting next to him.

He told her about his encounter with Carminda and about her suggestions for him to do private research work for her, thereby providing financial security for him and his family. He also told Laura about his meeting with Carminda’s sister, Shannon, whom he had met for the second consecutive time tonight.

Blake had returned to Shannon’s house tonight for a re-briefing of what he had to do for her. He explained to Laura how this commission gave him a new zest for life.

Then he asked her to give him her support throughout this new and very ambitious phase, which he had already entertained, although it posed a big risk to his academic future.