He had been trying hard; for the past four hours, to picture a positive end scenario for him and his family. He had not eaten in forty-eight hours, so he thought that his mind was playing tricks on him, due to the hot sun, until Laura physically threw herself onto him.
Blake lost his balance and fell to the ground.
Back at the hotel, Laura was amazed to learn that Blake had also experienced an abduction, but he was reluctant to furnish her with the details, because he was both physically and emotionally drained. They both really need to have their daughter with them right now, even though this setting is pretty much resembling a honeymoon getaway.
Back at home two weeks later, Blake and Laura noticed that they both had found faith at a time when they each needed it in equal measure. They had been drifting apart as a family and nothing of any different nature could have brought them back together as effectively as their recent staggering experiences with fate.