Jacqueline discovers her psychic side

Adam figured that; if he worked hard enough at it, he just might find that he could change his own fate. He could end up being the amazingly successful person that he always wanted to be.

He wanted his Mercedes Benz sedan and his sports car. Not to mention that mansion on the hill.

One day Adam’s cousin Krishnan had opened up the possibility of a brand new life for someone like him. It was a sunny afternoon and they were sitting on Krishnan’s balcony, having drinks.

Krishnan sold insurance. On this afternoon he told Adam that there was a way out for people like him, who were not fortunate enough to have gone to private schools and to graduate from University.

These folk could measure up and live the dream life. The way only out was for them to invest in funeral policies and life cover, Krishnan had said.

He himself believed in being a good salesman. That way he really did earn a good income, in spite of his limited education.