Introspection at Priya’s place

“Well, this is strictly confidential at the moment, but Laura has been offered an opportunity to appear in a European movie as a model. She can also act in it if she wants to, but you need to find out whether it will be a good decision for her to make.

Will there be repercussions or only good results if she accepted the offer? That’s what you should find out,” Carminda stated.

“Uhmm, I guess that you already know the answer to that with your advanced skills, though?” Jacqueline asked.

“Frankly, I actually don’t know. I might find the answer at some point, but you can find it even faster than I can. It all depends on who’s meant to know. Maybe I don’t find out at all,” Carminda responded in a matter of fact kind of tone.

“I suppose you’re so used to this that it doesn’t really matter,” Jacqueline responded in a small tone of voice.