A baby abduction

“Well, we saw someone leaving with a baby, but we thought that it was hers because the baby wasn’t crying or anything,” the security guard responded with an alarmed look in his eyes.

“Oh, no! Was the baby eating candy?” Michelle asked.

The guard thought for a while before answering.

“Uhmm, yes. In fact, she was sucking on some kind of a lolly.”

“That’s how the person caught her. She must have offered her candy and fortunately for her, Monique loves candy,” Michelle remarked with a sigh of despair as she ruffled her brown curls with her hands.

“No, no, no! My baby can’t be abducted! My baby can’t be gone! Where did they go?” Laura shouted as she looked wildly around herself.

Blake ran out the door, apparently to try and see if he could spot the lady who had apparently abducted Monique.

“We will inform the police immediately,” the security guard announced before passing the message onto the other security staff members on his radio phone.