Searching for the creature

As Jacqueline, Adam, and Father Gabriel continued their investigation into the mysteries surrounding Victoria's living grandmother, the atmosphere in the villa remained charged with anticipation. The old stone ruins and the nearby forest seemed to hold secrets that begged to be unraveled.

As they gathered in the frescoed study, the lady from the nearby village, who had previously shared information about Victoria's grandmother, returned, her eyes wide with urgency.

“Oh, how nice to see you again!” Jacqueline exclaimed when she saw the woman. She was not sure about whether she should be excited or afraid of whatever the woman came to talk about.

“Likewise, I’m happy to see all well and okay. I have some information to share,” the woman responded. Her eyes looked large and apprehensive.

“Oh, that’s wonderful. I hope that it will help us solve some mysteries. Have a seat,” Jacqueline responded.