Five neglected wives .( Springtide Compromise. )

 " Ladies , were are apparently the neglected wives of the prince . Did we do anything to deserve this treatment , of course we did not . Are we going to get answers for it , definitely , " Chelsea stopped inches away from Lan and looked up to match his gaze . She was shorter in stature and tall people like Lan always intimidated her but she would never allow it to be seen.

 Lan remained quiet , trying to analyze the situation. This was the first time he was seeing these ladies after the reincarnation but they still felt like strangers even although he knew them from memory . The one who had approached him was Chelsea Springtide , last born daughter of the Springtide family that ran the kingdom's ministry of Trade . Her boldness painted the image of a fearless lady out to get what she wanted , and with the backing of such an influential family almost always did . But as he peered down her shaky brown eyes that struggled to maintain eye contact , he could see her hiding a bluff and desperately hoping that he would cave in to whatever she would demand .


 " Relax my dear , all I want is to know what has changed . Ever since you married that Marjorie , she's been the only thing in your mind . I used to be your favorite but even I never once tried to monopolize your attention , " Chelsea continued , taking a step closer to Lan who chose to remain indifferent and motionless . 

 After a thorough analysis , Lan concluded that her tactics were merely a deceptive manipulative approach . She had used a combination of guilt and obligation to try and get him to submit. The last element left for such a tactic to work on an ordinary man was fear , which she was yet to implement . He chose to prolong the silence to see if she would resort to using it.

 " He will not respond to that Chelsea , get straight to the point" Meryl Wintersnow ,the wife from the Eastern Province intervened. She was a quiet beauty with white hair drooping all over her meek face . She was probably smarter than Chelsea but her push over demeanor was a turn off to Lan , who would rather spend his time duking it out with the stubborn Springtide .


 Chelsea thought for a moment before lashing out gain like a self entitled child ," The snow princess may have a soft spot for you but I will not lay down and watch you get away with things . We are all loosing credibility from our families and respect from other nobles because you treat us as non-existent wives . I am going to lay the law for you here and you better listen ,Hazel will be off limits for atleast a week .In the meantime you will have to spend a night with each and every one of us . Try to find a way around this and so help me I will come bearing down at you with everything that I've got ."


 " I may do what you want but under different conditions. First of all , you are all going to take Hazel as your leader and are never to organize meetings like this behind her back. Secondly , all of you are going to have to do me a political favor starting with this short Springtide girl shouting next to me. Tomorrow in the morning , you Chelsea will meet me at the horse stables ," Lan waited for her to finish and after seeing the conversation going nowhere found a way to get them to leave.

 He had planned to make use of the five girls before Hazel had found a way to work out the divorces but had never been able to find leverage to compel them. Now he sort of had it .