Espionage Starts Early ( Hazel's Web )

 Hazel pushed aside the curtains of the left window of the horse carriage s to get a view of the outside. Smiling subtly , she took in the beautiful country side of the southern province covered in endless sprawling plantations of wheat on either side of the road . As the weaver birds and swallows that danced in the skies chirped riding on the turbulent winds, kids could be seen racing across the fields dragging behind beautiful multi colored kites . One boy in baggy brown shorts and a faded old shirt caught Hazel's attention . He was shorter and scrawnier than the rest of the group yet run the fastest and had the biggest smile .

 The carriage she was in met a junction and veered off the main road to take the narrower left path . The three chariots carrying her security detail followed closely behind . 

 " Lady Hazel Marjorie , we are now near the estate of the house of Nalat . They have already sent a courier raven carrying a letter informing us that a warm welcome has been set in motion for your arrival , " the driver of her carriage informed her. 

 After a few more minutes of travel , a grand mansion compound came into view hidden amongst a small forest of great beautiful willow and oak trees . The carriages stopped in front of an impressive main gate beautified with engravings of fierce dragons and griffins flying through clouds . At the tops of the two opening sides of the main gate were the insignias of the church , symbolic of the great connection the house of Nalat had with it . After it was opened , the small procession went inside and proceeded to enter the mansion.

 " You came without your man, what kind of miserable life are you living up there in the palace dear cousin ? " Vivian started as she walked over to hug Hazel who had just stepped out of her carriage with some help from the driver. 

 " Couldn't you wait for me inside ?" Hazel complained after the tight hug started getting uncomfortable. Vivian understood her right away and let go.

 " If I am being honest , I selfishly wanted to have the first word with you before you went in to see priestess Agar and her family of sorcery wierdos. My sources tell me that you are plotting to have all the other five wives of the prince divorced ," Vivian started then pointed at the path leading into the mansion's flower gardens . Hazel nodded and the two ladies started walking down towards it.

 " If you know this , then it is only a matter of time before other nobles start catching up . Are you going to tell me that I should work faster ?" Hazel opened up to Vivian , trying to see if she could get her opinion on the matter . The two had known each other for a long time and had come to develop a great sense of trust and loyalty to each other.

 " I am going to tell you a lot of things actually . But before we start , I want you to share with me , what you think of when Lan comes to mind . I want you to help me see him through your eyes , " Vivian steered the conversation her own way . 

 " What can I say , the man is a mystery. One minute he is nothing more than a smiling idiot who only wants to see me happy , the next he is an incomprehensible ruler figure playing off nobles like chess pieces and getting into very risky power moves . I see him chuckling like a goof all the time but when I ask others they say his face is a stiff cold hearted menace that strikes fear the moment it gazes upon them , " she answered the question .

 " And what do you think of his abilities ? Is Lan Montreal as formidable as the rumors claim? " Vivian probed into the matter even further .

 " I don't know if you've heard of this news just yet , but Lan wants to change the currency the kingdom uses for trade . He brought the matter over to me last night and we had a very long debate , which was mostly me trying to talk him out of it . On my way here I decided to think through the story a second time and to my shock I still don't understand Lan's plan .

 Even though I grew up in one of the best political education systems there is in the kingdom , I am still unable to catch up with his mind . Before leaving I had planned to get your advice on that matter ." Hazel was at this point praising Lan without even knowing it.

 Vivian had indeed heard about the rumored plan to change the kingdom's currency and but unlike Hazel , had come to grips with it. Gold and silver were the monetary currencies being used not just in Agreya , but also nearly all the other kingdoms of the world , including four of the Great Five nations . To the normal person , the massive economic gains from such a move were almost completely hidden and they were more likely to object to it . Vivian on the other hand saw things differently , having once had the same idea before but unfortunately lacked the influence to pull it off.

 " I still can't see the full picture I want of him , but what you have given me will have to do . I am going to take a wild guess and say that the plan to initiate the divorces came from him . He wants to give you a sense of security all the while consolidating more power for himself and we are going to help him do just that . We will design a web so intricate that none of the other five wives will see coming and in a matter of weeks you will have him all to yourself ," Vivian gave her support . Though she still harbored reservations about Lan's leadership , the confidence he was getting from people she trusted convinced her that he deserved her benefit of doubt.

 " Thank you for that Vivian , so go ahead and tell me what you want in return for doing this . I suppose it has something to do with priestess Agar and why you wanted to talk to me before I went inside ," Hazel smiled at the grinning Vivian .

 " Oh my , look at me forgetting what a sharp girl you are . I do indeed want a favor from you before we go inside ," she said handing Hazel a small folded note .