Cost ( Modern Lovers )

 " President Boris is currently hospitalized in the Raville National Referral Hospital where doctors are doing the best they can to keep him alive . Witnesses say the president sustained a gunshot wound to the chest but details of whether or not any major organs like the heart were injured are still unclear . Keep following us live on National Television as we keep you up to date with the state of the president of our nation ,The Great Alliance ," the news reporter working for National Television finished her report . She was with her crew at the main entrance of Raville Hospital , trying hard to get past the military blocking the entrance of un authorized personnel into the building. Other journalist teams were also present , making it a stiff competition about who would get the first breakthrough.

 An expensive high performance sports car revved to a stop next to the hospital's crowded and noisy parking lot and a beautiful lady in a grey suit and large dark sunglasses walked out . She was immediately surrounded by four heavily armed military officers , who escorted her through the crowd that was packed to capacity all the way to the entrance to the hospital .

 " That's Bianca Web , ladies and gentlemen . We've just confirmed that the first lady has made her arrival at the Raville National Referral hospital to see the president . She is being escorted by officers of the military for her security , making way to the hospital entrance . I must say that this is a show of great concern for the president and the first lady has my deepest respects . Her arrival was not expected this early and you must stay tuned as we keep you up to date with the things happening here at Raville National Referral Hospital where president Boris Web is being held."

 Bianca Web , wife to Boris Web and first lady of the nation , was received by a team of doctors immediately she entered the hospital.

 " Take me to him , I want to be with my husband right this instant ," she ordered the doctors .

" Of course Lady Web , we have put the president in the intensive care unit . The bullet that shot him in his car came from a sniper rifle and directly punctured his heart at the superior vena cava. It is truly a miracle that his excellency is still alive and fighting ," the lead doctor explained as he led the way to the room that the president was being kept .

Outside the hospital, the National Television news reporter had more breaking news to relay to the masses watching the channel, " This is just in. The National Intelligence Unit has just apprehended a suspect connected to the attempted assassination of the president. The suspect whose identity will remain concealed for the time being is being held at the national police headquarters. Officers from the military are working in tandem with local police to speed up investigations and shed more light into this grave matter that almost halted our great nation to a stop. More and more rumours spreading that a foreign government is involved in this, particularly those most affected by the one sided world War our nation had waged and won against the world. Whether this is a case of revenge will only be confirmed if you keep tuned to the channel ."

Lan's eyes opened lazily and started looking around. The last clear thing he could remember was Hazel being arrested after Chelsea Springtide concocted a scheme to trap her. He then remembered zoning out after taking the spiked drink Chelsea had offered him and was just now starting to come around .

What was most strange to him was the fact that he could recognize being in a modern hospital, a hospital that he was familiar with as he had participated in its construction in his past life as president Boris Web. Unless his mind was playing tricks on him, he was definitely back to his original time and his former identity before the reincarnation happened . That would mean that he was in his original body as well and the violently stinging sensation in chest from the gunshot wound confirmed that.

Just as he was starting to orient himself with the environs of the ward room, the door burst open and in poured a number of white coated doctors who almost went pale after seeing him awake. Bianca Web followed shortly after them, brushing past everyone in a rush to throw herself at Lan.

"Bianca? How on earth are you here , what is happening? Hazel , where's Hazel ?" Lan who was always on top of things felt very much overwhelmed , and being unable to move his body only pissed him off the more .

" Hazel , who the hell is Hazel ?" Bianca stopped herself in her tracks for a moment . A surge of jealousy had just jumped her but understanding the prevailing circumstances , tried her hardest to suppress it .

" Never mind that , all you need to do right now Boris , is go back to sleep and recover your strength . You've just won the greatest battle in all of history making this the time the country need's its president the most," she said after recovering from the shock , leaning over to him for a light kiss. After doing this his eyes shut down and he drifted into yet another zone of unconsciousness .