War ( Sacred and Protected )

 " Step away from the Nalat daughter , " Mei announced , standing at the entrance of the shrine with a loaded pistol pointed directly at Vivian . Vivian , who sat opposite Cherry facing the door , was surprised that she had not reacted in time and pushed Cherry away from Mei's field of view . Now she could only sit there with her hands in the air being of no help to anyone .

 " Mei , well that's quite the unique way to have a reunion with your former boss . Before you start killing us , is it too much trouble to ask why you want to do this? If I remember correctly , the crown prince already resettled you and your refugee friends up in the Western mountains to pursue farming and restructure your lives once more . So help me make sense of the situation I am now finding myself in , " Vivian started conversation to buy time as her mind started racing for a way out .

 Cherry , a girl just as bold as Vivian , too turned around to see what was going on.