Co-existence ( Chelsea’s days )

 Chelsea dug her knife around the green radishes , using it to cut them right from their base . The midday sun was bearing down on her heavily , burning so hot that even the ground started scorching her through her sandals . She exhaled , wiped the sweat from her forehead , then proceeded to the next row of radishes and repeated the same process .Her mind was not with her to perceive the fatigue and strain crippling her muscles. She was far off , thinking about the night that had turned her whole upside down .

" You have to flee from the kingdom my daughter . The punishment for treason is death and they will not be making any exceptions this time, " she remembered the words of her mother Abigail . When Kelvin Montreal had taken her and ran , their first stop had been the Springtide Family residence . He had hoped that Chelsea's mother could offer them some protection and give him time to think about the next course of action .