Addicted to Playing

"Damn, this isn't going to turn around, is it?"

Maxwell stepped back, planning a sneak attack. Suddenly, the little girl zombie leaped up and bit into the high-level zombie's head.


Instantly, a large gash appeared in the high-level zombie's head. The little girl zombie reached in with her hand, clenched her fist, and twisted sharply.


The high-level zombie instantly fell down, losing all ability to resist. Still, the little girl wasn't ready to stop, raising her fist to continue the assault.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's enough."

Maxwell quickly called her off and then collected the high-level zombie into the system.

Zombies have strong vitality; despite this high-level zombie's head being blown open,

But he was still hanging on by a thread, thus subdued.

In the system, the high-level zombie occupied one slot, with a number eight displayed above its head.

"It's actually a Level 8 zombie, no wonder it was so fierce!"

Despite subduing it now, if it hadn't been for the little girl zombie's swift, precise, and fierce sneak attack, his four zombies would have definitely been wiped out.

"This little girl is quite the fierce one!"

Maxwell looked at her, and she just stood there quietly, expressionless. Her eyes lacked any spark, making her look no different from any other zombie. Yet, her blood-stained mouth gave off a sense of violent aesthetics.


Tearing off a piece of cloth from a zombie's attire, Maxwell wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth. Throughout this process, the little girl zombie didn't move at all, not even her eyeballs.

"You can understand me when I speak, right?"


The little girl zombie showed no response.

Experiment failed.

Although the zombie could understand his commands, a command was a command. Speaking was probably still beyond her comprehension, after all, she was only Level 4. Thinking about it, a Tier 1 zombie had only the intelligence equivalent to that of a three-year-old child.

"Forget it, from now on, you'll be called Eva."

He named her and pinched her cheek casually.

"Ding, detection of a zombie being named by the host,"

"A Level 2 Fusion space has one exclusive slot. Would you like to assign this zombie to it?"

The system's voice reminded him.

An exclusive slot?

Maxwell glanced at it and clicked "Yes." Instantly, the little girl zombie's slot turned red, and below the slot, two characters appeared: Tong Tong.

Then, the exclusive slot was separated and moved above the other slots. The space now consisted of thirteen slots: twelve regular slots and one exclusive slot.

Having completed all this, Maxwell released the Level 8 zombie. After being collected into the Fusion space, this creature became his zombie, and its injuries were also healed.

With it guarding, Maxwell quickly completed the Fusion of the remaining twenty or so zombies. Then, he dragged a Level 4 female zombie into Eva's slot, which turned her into Level 5. Next, he fused the other two Level 4 female zombies into a Level 5 female zombie and dragged it into Eva's slot. Eva became Level 6.

He also had a Level 3, a Level 2, and a Level 1 female zombie left, with no more possibilities for Fusion. On the male zombie side, he now had a Level 8, a Level 7, a Level 5, a Level 3, a Level 2, and a Level 1.

Ten zombies in total, of mixed levels, but quite impressive nonetheless. In town, he had a few zombies split up to thoroughly search the area. Sure enough, they found two zombies trapped in a house, one male and one female.

After placing them into the Fusion space, Maxwell moved his finger to fuse the two Level 1 male zombies, then dragged it into the former Level 2 male zombie's slot, turning it into a Level 3 zombie. Continuing, he dragged that Level 3 zombie into the original Level 3 zombie's slot, fusing into a Level 4 zombie.

You can say playing with the system is addictive; with a swipe of his finger, the Level 1, 2, and 3 male zombies disappeared in succession. In the slots, the male zombies were instantly reduced by nearly half, leaving four male zombies of Levels 8, 7, 5, and 4.

He continued by dragging a Level 1 female zombie into the mix, and the Level 1, 2, and 3 female zombies disappeared one after another, turning into a Level 4 female zombie. Now, there were only two female zombies left, one Eva at Level 6 and another at Level 4.

The town was now completely devoid of zombies.

"Let's go find more zombies!"

Leaving the town, Maxwell headed into the wilderness. With the Fusion System, his mindset had completely changed.

He was no longer suited to staying in the relatively safe base city. The base city had everything except for zombies, and zombies were exactly what he needed the most now. To quickly increase his strength, he needed to specifically target areas with a high concentration of zombies, preferably where low-level zombies were plentiful.

Generally speaking, the wilderness was very dangerous for Evolvers, but Maxwell wasn't worried because he had several "eyes." Besides the Level 8 male zombie and Eva at Level 6, he had sent out the rest to act as his eyes.

After searching in the direction away from the base city for a while, he only found a few Level 1 and Level 2 zombies. After Fusion, he had two more Level 3 zombies, one male and one female.

"This isn't effective enough. It would be great if I could find a hotspot for zombies." Maxwell pulled out a map and began to search. Suddenly, he recalled something he had heard—that the zombies might have been prepared this time. Several food towns outside the base city might also have been attacked by zombies. Deciding to act, he immediately headed towards another food town.

Along the way, he found several more zombies wandering in the wilderness. After fusing them, he gained another Level 4 and a Level 5 zombie, bringing his total to ten zombies.

More than three hours later, another food town appeared in his sight, and not far away, a group of about a dozen zombies ran towards him.

"Run, there's a horde coming!"

A passerby shouted at him as he ran by. A horde? He wanted to ask more, but that person had already run far ahead. Maxwell grabbed another person who was running a bit slower.

"What horde?"

"Let go!" The man struggled but couldn't free himself.

"Zombies have attacked the town. While the mutant zombies are busy fighting the Evolvers inside, you better run, man!"

Maxwell let him go, and the man sprinted away. Just moments after these people disappeared, a large number of zombies appeared in the distance behind him.

"Indeed, it's a zombie horde, and here I was worried about where to find zombies!"

Unlike the dozen or so people who were scared witless in front of him, Maxwell watched the oncoming swarm of zombies with eyes gleaming and even let out a loud laugh.