A New Exclusive Zombie!

"Tier 2 zombies, huh? I don't actually have any of those on hand."

In Maxwell's possession, the only male zombie he had was No.1 at Tier 7. For female zombies, aside from Eva and Carline, he had one Tier 1, and among the underground zombies, there was one at Tier 1 and another at Tier 2, but he couldn't really count on those two—they were still lost in the underground passages.

He also had a female zombie at Level 10, a recent result of Fusion.

And one at Level 9.

"Just need about two hundred more, and there are still two days left. I'll go out these next two days, might even gather a Tier 2."

Maxwell pondered.

But, there was no need to go out today.

It was almost dark!

Maxwell turned to glance at Carline. There were plenty of things to do after dark, definitely more important than going out to find zombies.

Maxwell looked forward to the night ahead.

He went to the hotel and paid for three days' room rent in one go.

As for food, Maxwell just needed to open his treasure chest to get plenty—it was more than he could eat, and with the upgrade of his space, the storage capacity had also increased. The food inside had now piled into a mountain!

As for whether the food would spoil or expire... Of course not!

The system's storage space kept everything as it was when put inside.

After arriving in the room, Maxwell still bathed Eva and Carline.

It was still a bit awkward.

Because last night, when he rested in the latter half of the night, Eva had come through the door again, crawling into his bed and snuggling up in Maxwell's arms to sleep.

Fortunately... Eva probably didn't understand anything!

In fact, Maxwell knew Carline might not understand much either, but she was likely a bit better off than Eva?

"Eva, how about you watch the stars in the living room?"

After bathing Eva, Maxwell took her to the living room.

The little girl sat on the sofa, her large eyes looking back at him, utterly placid.

Maxwell couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for deceiving a little girl.

"Just watch the stars for a bit, I'll come to join you soon!" Maxwell continued to assure her.

Eva ignored him and turned her gaze out the window, earnestly starting to watch the stars.

Maxwell let out a sigh of relief, then quickly opened the door, entered the room, and closed it in one fluid motion.

"Beep! Daily treasure chest acquired, please open your space to receive the chest," the cold system notification sounded.


The timing of the daily treasure chest had recently changed to the evening.

Maxwell was a bit puzzled but went ahead and opened the chests.

This time, besides the usual attribute bonuses, Maxwell also found several valuable items.

From No.1's chest, he gained many resistance bonuses, particularly against electric abilities, increasing by 30 points.

Indeed, the loot from a Tier 7 zombie's chest was much better than from a Tier 6. If it weren't because he was a male zombie, Maxwell might have actually considered placing him in a special slot.

"The special slots might look like there are three available, but in reality, they are quite limited. I need to be careful with No.1 zombie, just don't Fusion him," Maxwell thought.

He planned to reserve the special slots for female zombies, not just use them on any zombie.

After all, since acquiring Eva and Carline, his requirements for the zombies stored in the special slots had significantly increased.

"Beep! Congratulations, host, for opening a level 61 treasure chest. You have received 61 points in all attributes, 61 gene points, 30 ability points, and a box of food."

Carline's treasure chest was also opened.



A long time passed.

Footsteps sounded outside the door. Maxwell dressed and opened the door to carry Eva in.

"Eva, come to sleep!"

It was now the middle of the night.

The moonlight outside was like water, and after glancing at it, Maxwell closed his eyes and fell deeply asleep.

Although she was asleep, Eva and Carline were not.

In fact, zombies do not need to sleep.

Ordinary zombies reduce their activity or remain inactive to conserve energy, storing it up until they encounter prey.

Eva lay in Maxwell's arms, her large eyes wide open, blinking intelligently.

Every so often, she would lift her head to glance at Carline beside her.

The two exchanged looks, seemingly communicating in those brief moments.

Then Eva turned her eyes away and snuggled deeper into Maxwell's embrace, seemingly finding the position quite comfortable.

Carline, after making brief eye contact with Eva, also rested her little head on Maxwell's shoulder. Her eyes were open, though it was unclear if she was thinking about anything, or perhaps thinking about nothing at all.

After a moment, her lips curled into a faint, almost imperceptible smile.

The days that followed were very comfortable for Maxwell.

During the day, he took Eva and Carline out to search for zombies, and at night they returned to the hotel room, opened treasure chests, and did some exercises with Carline.

Every night became something to look forward to!

Another day passed, and Maxwell finally Fusioned a Tier 2 female zombie.

Maxwell's space also leveled up again, now reaching level seven.

But he hadn't quite met the upgrade requirements yet; he still needed to capture another level seven zombie.

Maxwell wasn't in a hurry, now that he had 24 slots at his disposal.

This female zombie came from the Fusion of a Tier 1 zombie from Red Castle, and the main purpose of Fusioning this Tier 2 zombie was for competition.

He tested the Tier 2 female zombie's strength.

"No abilities, but the speed is decent, and she's resilient. Seems a bit stronger than other Tier 2 zombies. Never mind, I don't have time to look for others. I'll just put you in a special slot for now, hoping tonight's treasure chest gives you a suitable exclusive weapon!"

Maxwell stroked his chin and said.

Thus, this female zombie became Maxwell's third exclusive female zombie.

Maxwell had taken note of this zombie before, because of her exceptional performance in Red Castle and the resilient qualities she displayed, which gave Maxwell a sense of strength.

This strength was like grass—seemingly ordinary, yet possessing the spirit of a tiny spark that could ignite a great fire.

So, Maxwell's decision to keep her was somewhat impulsive.

Though ordinary, the extraordinariness of her ordinariness was impressive!

Moreover, this zombie had quite distinctive features.

She wasn't as cute as Eva, nor as ethereal as Carline; she was probably in her twenties before becoming a zombie.

Maxwell hadn't paid attention to her background, but he guessed that this zombie likely lived in Red Castle originally.

It's even more likely that she became a zombie over a hundred years ago.

Maxwell brought her back into his space. Since the number of Fusions wasn't high, her zombie traits hadn't completely faded, unlike Eva and Carline, who not only lacked any zombie features but would stand out even among humans for their looks.