The Battle Begins

Maxwell quickly swept Eva and Carline into a spatial dimension within the private box and then, with a leap, shattered the top of the box, narrowly missing Norris's spear thrust.

In an instant, the entire private box was reduced to ruins by Norris's thunderous strike.

"Thunder Slash!"

Maxwell was still mid-air when Norris swiftly turned around, spear in hand, chasing after him. Unbeknownst to Norris, Maxwell's hands were now equipped with a pair of bracers which he raised to block Norris's spear, halting it mid-air.

These bracers, which Maxwell had retrieved from a treasure chest just two days ago, had seemed nearly superfluous at the time, considering his own skin's resistance value. He had not expected them to come into use so soon.

"Clang, clang, clang!"

The sound of metal striking metal echoed.

For some reason, Norris's spear did not release the long-gathering thunderous strike. Instead, he allowed Maxwell to use the force to leap backwards, falling downward before finally landing firmly on the fighting arena below.

The arena was originally a soccer field.

"It's him!"

As Maxwell landed, everyone saw his face, and Bernard, in particular, recognized him and exclaimed in shock.

"Could it be that Norris's brother was killed by him? And Norris himself came to capture him? My goodness, Maxwell is really ruthless! He's kept a low profile! Everyone knows Norris's brother was scum, and even though Norris disparaged him, he was still a Tier 5 Evolver! To just kill him like that?"

As Bernard pondered this, he swallowed hard, finding Maxwell even more mysterious.

Those around him, who had previously disregarded Maxwell, were now utterly astonished. They were only Tier 1 and Tier 2 Evolvers, and the highest among them had just breached Tier 3. A Tier 5 Evolver was beyond their reach!

Norris's name is well-known among Evolvers; it rings like thunder, and it's impossible not to recognize him. Norris is only twenty-two this year, but since he came into the public eye, he has never been defeated, always leading the pack among the younger generation!

"That's right! Evolvers from such places really don't know the scale of the heavens and the earth, daring to provoke the Thunderclap family!"

Immediately, other Evolvers joined in, mocking.

Meanwhile, Wanda also spotted Maxwell and exclaimed in surprise, "Miss, look, it's that man!"

The young lady sitting next to her was also startled and said, "How did he manage to provoke Norris?"

Wanda replied, "Miss, didn't you notice? That man killed Norris's brother, which is why Norris came here to hunt him down personally. Although Norris's brother sounds truly despicable and deserved to be killed, he's probably going to die today."

Wanda looked at Maxwell in the fighting arena, her words tinged with regret as she clearly did not hold much hope for Maxwell.

The young lady frowned and said, "This is the President's territory. How dare Norris do this? Isn't he afraid of angering the President?"

Wanda responded, "Miss, although everyone knows this place is under the President's name, the President hasn't been involved here for years! He hasn't even visited in so long. Plus, Norris has been causing trouble here for quite some time, and no one has intervened, so it's unlikely anyone will now. Moreover, Norris made it very clear he's here for revenge for his brother. The affairs of the Thunderclap family, nobody really wants to get involved!"

The speech Norris had just given was far from idle talk. His declaration was masterfully crafted, addressing all present, including ordinary people and Evolvers, and those with various intentions. He made it clear that his purpose was to avenge his brother!

A family member killed, seeking personal revenge—this is something no one can stop!

From both a moral and emotional standpoint, it wouldn't be right for anyone to intervene.

He made this statement clear, to show that he had no choice but to come, and it was not to cause trouble.

At that moment, in another private box, Basil suddenly stood up. Staring at the figure in the fighting arena, he exclaimed in shock: "It's that person!"

"How could it be! He actually managed to kill Samuel! And just now, he took Norris's attack head-on and acted like nothing happened! This Maxwell is really not simple!"

"Thankfully... thankfully I didn't rashly attack him earlier."

Basil began to sober up. Although his family held power in Tampa city, Maxwell, who could kill Samuel and stand up to Norris head-on, was clearly no ordinary Evolver and not someone Basil could afford to provoke. He didn't want to drag his entire family into trouble to deal with Maxwell.

If it really came to that, his family might abandon him first.

Basil's mind raced, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

Thankfully, he had not acted impulsively!

"But, you're definitely not surviving today! Once you're dead, that zombie of yours will be mine!"

Basil watched Maxwell and then looked at Norris in the air, a cold smile creeping onto his face.


In the zombie fighting arena, Maxwell mentally issued a command for her to find a place to hide.

This was his and Norris's battlefield!

"Good, managing to take one of my attacks shows you have some strength, enough to barely qualify as my opponent! I never waste my time on nobodies, state your name, and then have the other two with you come out as well! Although those two are women, they are also murderers who killed my brother. Today, I will execute all three of you right here!"

In the air, Norris spoke loudly.

He hovered about ten meters above the ground, his spear raised halfway and angled towards Maxwell.

Maxwell looked up at Norris, who was full of presence in the air, and couldn't help but be curious, asking, "Norris? Your brother was a Tier 5 Evolver, and I heard you are Tier 6?"

"Tier 6? Who told you I am a Tier 6 Evolver? I've already broken through to Tier 7!" 

Norris made no attempt to hide his strength and immediately unleashed the aura of a Tier 7.

As his words fell, there was a stir around the arena.

"Holy shit! Norris has reached Tier 7? No way! He's only twenty-two! That's just monstrous!"

"Such potential and talent are truly terrifying! Given time, he is bound to become one of the top figures!"

"Tier 6 was already impressive, but now that Norris has entered Tier 7, does this guy stand even less of a chance?"

"Thinking about chances? Being able to die quickly would be a mercy from Norris! He might have struggled a bit at Tier 6, but Tier 7? Forget about it!"

The crowd in the arena started to buzz with conversation.

"Ha ha ha, this Maxwell! He's going to die horribly this time! That's a Tier 7 Evolver!"

A few Evolvers next to Bernard also began to mock.