Go get 'em, Big Bertha boy

Mike, strolling in with Big Bertha on his shoulder, became the center of attention, a real showstopper in the arena.

Anderson furrowed his brow, puzzled, and turned to Kaelum, "How come Mike can carry what you can't?"

"What do you mean?!" Kaelum snapped, getting defensive. "It's just a few dozen tons of Big Bertha, watch me lift one for you right now!" He stormed off to prove his point.

Elena, who knew a bit more about the situation, explained, "Take a closer look. They've removed many of the mounts from Big Bertha, keeping only the main barrel."

Even so, the weight of Big Bertha was no less than 20 tons, definitely not something Mike, a mage, should be able to handle!

Anderson looked at Elena, signaling her to continue.

"This morning, Kaelum asked me to modify Big Bertha. While disassembling it, I also designed some areas to be hollow and left space for engraving runes."