Shadow Source

A Money Tree that rains gold coins? Mike wasn't doubting Foreskin, but he was definitely curious to see it for himself.

"Show me the goods first, then we'll talk payment," Mike said, always clear about his terms.

Foreskin conjured a shadowy image of a sapling in his palm and introduced it, "This Money Tree is a rare gem from my private space. This particular one is a once-in-99-years find!"

"Hold on, why once in 99 years?" Mike asked, intrigued.

Foreskin replied meticulously, "Because I built my private space 99 years ago."

Fair enough.

Mike examined the sapling closely. It looked like a Christmas tree adorned with strings of gold coins, quite a delightful sight.

Taking the sapling, Mike said righteously, "Look at you, with our relationship, you just need to ask for help. No need for gifts, why waste money like this?"

After securing the sapling, Mike warned, "Next time, don't test me with such things!"