Chapter 2: Apocalypse

  Haaaaaaah! haaaah! haah! hah! what was that dream? why did I see that? he thinks to himself as he shoots himself up instantly from the bed, who was that boy? why did he faint? and the old man, he holds his head as a sharp ache passes through his head as the thoughts spiral in his mind 

 soon after a notification comes from his phone, he then contemplates to himself why now of all times, concurrently he groans lazy, "uuuuuuugggghhhhh!", as he stretches his hand to get his phone, he sees messages of his dad asking "when are you coming?

18:06, aren't you coming? 18:15", "oh fuck", slips through his mouth as he realizes that he is late, he leaps from the bed like as though he was stung by a bee, bursting out of

the house, polished but also undone as one part of his hair scattered wildly while the other combed, his shirt tucked but mismatched with wrinkled trouser, he gets out

locking the short fence to his house and then gets on his bicycle riding quickly like there was no tomorrow, as he was on the road quickly riding to get to the place, he got another

notification on his phone saying that he was being gifted by an author and this surprises him, it's not the gifting that surprised him, but it was the author who was gifting him, the

author was somebody who wrote a story about an apocalypse world and moral ambiguity, although he was a fan of the classic style of a system apocalypse it was

more of the moral ambiguity that intrigued him especially the saying in one of his books the only thing that is always constant is change another was the topic on concepts

the way it showed him the flaws of human society and how concepts shape the world, was etched deeply within him unfortunately his thoughts are abruptly cut off as, not long after he gets to the prison where he then enters

upon arrival he goes to meet the receptionist, the receptionist quickly glances at him noticing someone came in, he could notice that her gaze was as though she was

analysing him which makes him very sceptical of her, it was akin to that of daggers being thrown at him, after analysing the receptionist, observed that he was

uneasy even though he made a straight face she could see through the facade as discomfort bled through him in small ways as his eyes tightened, his mouth

stiffened, and his fidgeting movement, as all of that was taking into her notice she quickly apologises before asking, "your here to visit someone?",

"me", the boy replies, she then thinks to herself what sort of nutjob is this fool? aren't you the only one here with me, but she just smiles and says, "yes", she carries on saying, "if your here to meet someone please say your name".

 After some time, they finish the process needed and allows him to visit the person, as they walk towards the non-contact visitation booth he couldn't help but stare at her rare behind as it seductively allured him like honey from a forbidden hive, sweet yet

dangerous as her curves commanded attention like a whispered secret, he gains his sanity back as she calls his name out, "Herwoj!!!", his stare already obvious to her as blushes crept onto Herwoj face quickly making him

enter the non-contact visitation booth, he ponders to himself urrr, I am likely going to get scolded for being late, as he sits down. 

At first, it was just a shadow—a broad figure framed by the dim, flickering light behind him. The slow, deliberate way he moved, like he carried something heavy on his back, made it clear he was in no hurry. When he sat, the chair groaned, the sound cutting through the silence.

Then, his face.

Eyes sharp and unreadable, like the still surface of deep water. A jawline carved by time, set firm, as if it had never known softness. Scars? Maybe. Lines of age or experience, it was hard to tell. His hair was shorter than expected, streaked with just enough silver to hint at the years. He looked... weathered. Not broken, not beaten—weathered, like a stone shaped by years of storms but still standing.

After he takes a seating face to face with Herwoj

"You okay, Dad?" Herwoj asked, sounding guilty.

"I'm fine," Herwoj father grumbled, shifting in his seat looking as though annoyance had prickled on him like a mosquito buzzing in his ear.

A long pause. Another sigh.

"You sure?" Herwoj pressed. "Because that was the third dramatic sigh in the few minutes. You sound like a heartbroken teenager waiting for a text back."

His father shot him a look. "I don't sound like that."

"You kinda do," Herwoj said, grinning. "I mean, should I set you up with a dating app? Maybe get you a cat? A talking parrot? Someone to keep you company in your old age?"

Herwoj's father huffed. "I don't need a parrot."

"Fine, what about a goldfish? No commitment, just a little guy to talk to when I'm not around."

Herwoj's father rubbed his temples. "I am not lonely."

"Sure, sure," Herwoj said, waving a hand. "That's exactly what a lonely person would say."

his father exhaled, shaking his head. "I raised an idiot."

"And yet, here you are, sitting in silence, missing me when I'm out, wondering when I'll visit again," Herwoj teased, leaning back dramatically. "You don't have to say it, Dad. I know I'm your favorite person."

Herwoj's father tried—really tried—to keep a straight face, but a small chuckle escaped. "You wish you were my favorite."

Herwoj grinned. "Then who is? The cell wall?"

A pause. Herwoj's father glanced at his steaming mug.


Herwoj gasped. "I knew it!"

They both laughed, the tension dissolving into the warmth of the moment.

"You're an idiot," Herwoj's father repeated, shaking his head with a smile.

"Yeah," Herwoj said, leaning back, "but at least I keep you entertained."

To break the fun one of the guards tells them they have a few seconds remaining, "okay, okay, annoying dicks", Herwoj's dad says with a gritted tooth, like a lid barely holding back a boiling pot.

"Seems like we don't have much time remaining", Herwoj's dad says as his voice softens slowly, and a little sigh sleeping form within his lips.

Herwoj smirks at him saying, "someone seems lonely", Herwoj teased with a grin, his words dancing around like a cat toying with a mouse.

A storm of rage and embarrassment fills him like a child being called out for publicly for a mistake. Herwoj's dad then whispers, "get the fuck out of here", the whisper like a

ticking bomb his anger almost exploding, as a silent giggle leaves Herwoj mouth as it causes the switch to flip in his head as he erupts, "get the fuck out of here you cunt!!",

his dad continues causing a scene as Herwoj's dad bangs the screen separating the two of them like a gorilla, shouting to the officers restraining him, "get that brat out of

here", they then carry Herwoj out as they restrained his dad, they later on left Herwoj alone after the receptionist finished scolding him then letting him of with a warning, that they won't permit his visits if he causes a scene again.

Herwoj leaves the prison to his bike murmuring to himself, "that crazy mother fucker", but is greeted by a crowd of people, in his surprise Herwoj finds out that someone is standing 

of a 5-story building, his curiosity gotten the better of him as he tries to get a better look, he hears the murmurs of the crowd thinking it's a suicidal attempt by a cosplayer, Herwoj keep thinking about the situation not sure of what to make of the situation as Herwoj looks at the person standing on the building, then Herwoj hears a voice, "your fated for much more ",

as he gets a feeling to look at his phone before seeing a notification saying, "the update is ready", he then gets a weird feeling of danger telling him something was wrong like sixth sense, and that if he wanted to fall, he would have fallen down by now a foreboding eerie feeling made the air thick, to Herwoj it was like frozen hands climbing up his body, this causes Herwoj to look up again this time in fear.

he looks up noticing that he had taken a different stance raising his sword up and in the blink of an eye, as he turns to the side he sees dead corpses of people, a slash attack

Herwoj thinks to himself, the concrete asphalt road destroyed, buildings collapsing voices of people crying in pain, the smell of blood filled everywhere, all these was done in one attack, tears role down Herwoj's face unexplainably, Herwoj's breathing becomes heavy as the scene slowly gets to him as he also starts to feel dizzy,

 Herwoj's leg gives out in weakness, stumbling before falling to his knees, 

Herwoj's eyes still fixed on him as his body felt paralyzed from the scene, suddenly like a shadow vanishing from sunrise 

the person quickly gets in front of Herwoj looking down at him, from the closer view his dressing looked less like a cosplay but looked more real, with the smell of blood eluding from his badly damaged armour as though he had just survived a war 

his face, 

his eyes like dark bottomless void with no ounce of light within, his body like warrior seasoned from war, his weapons carrying a foreboding aura screaming danger in Herwoj's mind

his gaze cold without pity as he raised his sword to chop of Herwoj's head as Herwoj realized his fate Herwoj says to himself I won't go down without doing something, even though Herwoj knew it was pointless he still didn't want to give up,

deciding to spit on his face, Herwoj attempts to throw sand on his face but is countered with the sand not even touching him as he cuts off Herwoj's hand, instantly after doing

that he carries Herwoj up in the air, punching him multiple times till his body was a bloody mess, in pain Herwoj begs, "please kill me!", as his body becomes numb and Herwoj

sight becomes blurry along with small sighs escaping from his mouth as the pain feels unbearable

soon Herwoj hears a voice from behind him saying, "release him or I'll call the police", using his remaining strength to turn around only to find out it was the receptionist who

was already scared as her legs trembled, a sinister smile curled at the edge of his lips, but it never reached his eyes—just a flicker of amusement, as if he were savoring some private joke." face before he says, "how noisy", something malovent hid behind his voice as he swings his hand in the air like the first attack he used, instantly cutting off her head.

a loud shriek leaves Herwoj mouth as the scene is too much for him to bear as he goes mad in fear, he looks at Herwoj with ecstasy saying, " I love the look on your face", he says with an abnormal amount of joy overwhelming him, "but now since your broken there's no need for you", he says with disgust etched on his face before busting Herwoj's head.