ABO Dynamics

In the world of 'Omegaverse' or 'ABO dynamics', individuals are categorized into three main groups: alphas, betas, and omegas. These terms are used to differentiate between social classes and roles based on biological traits and capabilities.


Being at the top of the class!

They exude power, danger, and respect. They are known for their dominance in leadership roles across various domains like politics, governance, the economy, and law enforcement. Their reputation for being heavy, monstrous, feared, and deadly further solidifies their position at the top.

While most alphas are male, there are also female alphas that are unable to give birth due to a lack of reproductive organs necessary for childbearing. Male alphas possess a unique anatomical feature called knots that play a role in mating rituals during specific periods.

Alphas are responsible for providing for and protecting their loved ones and are only meant to mate with omegas. The bond between alphas and omegas is strong and lasting due to their protective and possessive nature, unlike bonds with betas, which may fade over time.


Being the second in the class!

They exhibit unique traits that set them apart from alphas. They are known for their adaptability, cooperativeness, and lack of dominance. In social situations, betas often act as mediators, ensuring a harmonious balance between the interests of alphas and omegas.

While betas do not possess knots for mating like alphas, they can form strong emotional connections with both alphas and omegas. These bonds may not be as profound as those with an omega, but they can still be lasting and fulfilling.


Being the last one!

They are seen as delicate creatures that deserve to be treasured for their beauty. Compared to betas and alphas, omegas emit a sweet scent designed to attract potential mates. However, their petite features and appealing odor unfortunately make them vulnerable to exploitation and mistreatment.

While most omegas are female and can be found anywhere with the primary purpose of breeding, male omegas are rare and often prized possessions among royalties and higher-ups. Their ability to become pregnant makes them unique and desirable among alphas, as their shared experiences create a distinctive bond that is highly valued in a relationship. Male omegas consider themselves to be the most loyal mates alphas could ever have.

Despite their loyalty and unique qualities, omegas often face restrictions and limitations that limit their freedom. They are frequently assigned roles involving domestic tasks, limiting their autonomy and personal freedoms compared to other classes.