Chapter 4

Pravat Hiranwong, a powerful alpha who doesn't give a damn about the world, stares at Tiwa with a smirk on his face, knowing the younger one guesses who he is. He can tell, even with doubt, that Tiwa is unnerved to see him this close to where he stands and is daring to turn his head away. This brings pleasure to Pravat as he sees the power he holds over Tiwa, whose hands are clutching on the microphone, the words unsaid on his lips.

There is still so much left unsaid between them, including the unsaid feelings of longing, regret, and unresolved tension, a fact that has been obvious for about as long as they both can remember.

Pravat lets out a deep breath, feeling the excitement taking over his body. Meeting Tiwa at his concert has been planned, but it is shocking and outstanding at the same time. Tiwa looks incredibly attractive in real life and is a very down-to-earth guy, so Pravat can still feel the tingling running through his body the moment their eyes meet for the first time in a long time.

His heart beats out of his chest as he sees Tiwa again after a long period. It makes him remember their first meeting—the moment when Tiwa precisely caught his eye and planted a seed of feelings in his heart when they were just 12 years old.

People used to say that Pravat Hiranwong was a little eccentric and an excitable boy, but he didn't mind. He had struggled in school, even with the most basic of subjects. Everyone knew it was because his mother had been on drugs and his father had been out of the picture. He had been neglected at home and shunned at school.

Rumors circulated about him being a disruptive movie usher who was mentally unstable, attacking fellow students, and disrespecting teachers by spitting at them. He resented the false narratives being spread about him. Despite everything, he considered himself a well-behaved boy who didn't even know the meaning of the word 'love' at that time. Until the moment Tiwa Buathong was caught in his eye.

It was a gorgeous sunny morning in the city known to be called Phitsanulok. The sun was shining brightly, and the skies were clear. A light breeze blew through, bringing a cooling sensation to the air. Just like every other day in this bustling city, students could be seen running around the playground and shouting at each other.

Pravat lost his balance when Tiwa accidentally collided with him and casually waved a hand in apology. It was a small encounter, but it had made a great impact on Pravat, who wasn't used to interacting with other students as his regular interactions were limited to teachers, teachers' aides, the guidance counselor, and the principal.

Tiwa giggled as he watched Kay search for him on the other side of the playground. He and his cousin had been playing hide and seek ever since their teacher had taken them outside.

Pravat stared at Tiwa, dumbfounded. He had been so caught up in Tiwa's cuteness that he hadn't even realized he was following him and wedging himself behind the tree. Even though he didn't know the proper social cues of love, he found them to be something different.

"You can't sit here," Tiwa said haughtily. "Kay and I are playing. He will find me if you're here, too."

Although Pravat heard Tiwa's voice addressing him, he didn't react because he was too captivated by all of Tiwa's attractive features up close. He felt his heart race as he tried to come up with a response, but all he could manage was a stare. He had fallen in love at first sight.

"Hey!" Tiwa poked again. "I said go away!" He whined.

Before Pravat could respond, Tiwa was caught and ended up hearing his cousin's crows of celebration over victory. The little one's heart was hurt, so he looked at Pravat with pouty lips and turned to run away. This made Pravat's lips curl into a shy smile because he found Tiwa to be different.

Pravat sighs and still stares at Tiwa, feeling the electricity underneath his skin come upon him. He can deal with it and make it bearable for himself. It used to be just an obsession, but now it has evolved into something more profound.

There were a lot of things he didn't know before he met Tiwa. That he can love and hate a person in equal measure, both at the same time; that vengeance suffuses him, fills him up, and then burns itself out so that all he has left is this ironic, ironclad attraction, a desire to hurt and be hurt, love and be loved.

Most of all, he doesn't know how much fun it will be to let someone else call the shots for a while. He will always chase something different in the eyes of other people, so something like this? Nothing. No, what is going on between him and Tiwa is personal, and he knows they are falling back into their little emotional game.

As the fans react from somewhere in the background, he remains focused on how much he is captivating Tiwa. Keeping his eyes on him, he blows a kiss and walks backward, disappearing into the crowd. If he needs to choose one thing he loves about himself more than anything, it is his unpredictable actions. He does what he wants, when he wants, and no one can predict anything that he's going to do.


Tiwa feels a chill running down his spine as he stares at the male in the ocean of fans; his confidence slowly vanishes in the air, forgetting that he's at a live concert. Kay is saying something in the background, but he can't focus enough to listen until the dark brown-eyed man disappears through the crowd.

His mind starts to progress on who the man might be. He tries so hard to divert his mind, but his eyes wander over the crowd in search of him. His heart thumps in his chest, fearing he might lose everything he's worked for. He keeps trying to maintain his composure on stage, as he can feel the intensity of the crowd's gaze.

Finally, he manages to steel himself and begins to sing, pouring all of his emotion and energy into the performance. The music swells around him, drowning out the memory of the man's smirk as he loses himself in the music.

Ninety minutes and several songs later, the concert comes to an end. Tiwa can't help but describe the night as exceptional. The adrenaline coursing through his body makes his heart race, and he knows he will never tire of this incredible feeling. Never.

The band acknowledges the roaring crowd, and he exchanges a nod with his brother before sneaking up beside him. All five members align in a straight line, facing the audience, their arms interlocking around each other's shoulders while their guitars rest in front.

After a few moments, they exit the stage with triumphant smiles on their sweat-drenched faces and head toward their dressing room. Decha playfully pats everyone on the back, praising their incredible talents and bursting into giggles reminiscent of a joyful cat.

Tiwa follows behind down the cream-colored corridor, a slight smile playing on his lips.

Upon entering the dressing room, he releases a long, audible sigh, folding his arms across his chest, the familiar embrace of contentment enveloping him once more. He watches as Kiat grabs a nearby bottle of champagne and shakes it vigorously. With a loud pop, the cork launches off, champagne spraying in all directions within the dressing room.

Tiwa's eyes widen in surprise as the cool liquid lightly splashes his face, prompting him to swiftly snatch a towel from his bag to dab his face and suppress a laugh. He glares at Kiat, a mix of amusement and exasperation flickering in his eyes, giving him a warning signal to be more careful with a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

Jaran rolls his eyes and pushes the much taller drummer. "Fucking idiot!" He laughs as he removes his sweaty and alcohol-soaked t-shirt, unveiling his muscular physique.

The rest of the bandmates join in on the playful chaos, laughing and joking as they continue to celebrate their successful performance. No matter what challenges they may face, they always have each other's backs because the bond they share has been forged through years of touring and performing together.