Chapter 2: Echoes Of Survival

Dawn's first light was breaking as we set out. The ghost town ahead was a silent promise of supplies and secrets. As we entered, the stillness was unsettling, a reminder of what had been lost.

"Let's split up from here to gather more supplies. We'll meet back here in an hour."

Elena nodded as we went our separate paths. I split from the group, drawn to an old pharmacy. Inside, the shelves were a time capsule of the world before. I began to collect what we needed. That's when I heard it—a soft whimper from the back. I moved cautiously, finding a young girl hiding in the shadows, clutching to a backpack with a wrench in hand.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," I said softly, extending my hand. "What's your name?"

"Lily," she whispered back, her eyes wide with fear."

We'll take care of you, Lily. You're not alone anymore," I assured her, feeling a protective surge within me.

I walked back to where Elena and Samuel were waiting with different supplies, with Lily's small hand in mine. "Elena, Samuel, this is Lily," I introduced her. "She's been alone here since... well, since it all started, I guess. She knows her way around the town"

Elena knelt down to Lily's level, her expression softening. "You're quite the survivor, aren't you?" she said warmly and smiled.

Lily nodded, clutching my hand a little tighter. Samuel cleared his throat, eyeing Lily with a mix of surprise and respect.

"Never thought we'd find more survivors, especially not... kids," he admitted. "She knows her way around, you say?"

"Yeah, she does. And she wants to come with us," I added, looking down at Lily for confirmation. She gave a brave little nod.

"Well then," Samuel said with a small, approving nod, "looks like we've got ourselves a new member of the team."

Elena stood up, giving Lily a reassuring smile. "Welcome to the team, Lily. Let's get you somewhere safe."

As we turned to leave, I felt Lily's grip tighten. It was a silent thank you, a moment of trust in a world where trust was as rare as safety. And in that moment, I knew we had made the right decision.Lily's knowledge of the town was valuable. She led us through hidden paths, helping us avoid the withered.

But as we neared the town's edge, tension filled the air—an unseen threat was upon us. Raiders ambushed us, their intentions clear.

"Looks like we got ourselves free supplies, boys!", one of the raiders shouted. The sounds of the screeching tires of their bikes deafening. Samuel took Lily behind a building. Back-to-back with Elena, we fought fiercely.

"Keep them off me for a sec!" she yelled over the chaos.

"On it!" I swung my sword, cutting the raiders weak points, still keeping them at bay while she reloaded.

She killed them after they were immobilized. We were outnumbered but not outmatched. Our unity turned the tide, and soon, the raiders lay defeated at our feet. I sat down and breathed heavily.

"That was tough. Is everyone ok?", I asked in a concerned tone.

"I'm good", Elena replied as she looted ammo from the dead raiders. Samuel and Lily came out from behind the building.

"We're fine here too." Lily looked away from the dead bodies as she hugged Samuel tightly.

"How come you never kill the raiders?", Elena asked. "It's because they're still human. Sure they may be evil but I still believe they can change and find out the real enemies are the withered and not other humans.", I replied.

"People like you are hard to find these days. It's good to know some haven't lost hope in others." Samuel grunted.

The sun was setting, bringing a brief respite as we tended to our wounds. The Tower loomed in the distance, a dark beacon marking the way to Base Delta. Lily approached me as we prepared to leave.

"I want to come with you," she said, sadness in her voice. "I don't want to be alone anymore." I saw the tears in her eyes and knew she was going through what no child should ever go through.

"Of course, Lily. You're with us now. And we'll never leave you," I assured her.

We set off towards Base Delta, the dangers ahead clear. We drove for hours finally nearing towards Base Delta. However, there was a large cloud of smoke looming over the area. When we got closer, I could see it. Base Delta was being engulfed in flames. I got off my bike.

"No, no, no, no.", I denied the scene in front of my eyes as I ran towards the gate.

"Tyrell, wait!" Elena shouted as she got out of the car, warning me to not go. However I ignored her, rushing into Base Delta. Hoping I didn't see the sight I feared most.

"No, please.", I pleaded with tears in my eyes, my vision blurring and losing my breath...

End of Chapter 2.