Chapter 10: Operation Haven Retrieval

"Turn left!", I shouted. Ethan made a rough turn as an explosion trailed behind us. This was highly unexpected. We were attacked by raiders the moment we entered the next city from Base Alpha. We shook most of them off and we probably wouldn't see them until then. We regrouped with the other squads of team 6. Luckily there were no casualties.

I looked beyond the horizon and saw a tall dark tower with black vines wrapping around it. That was Branch 4. The sun shone dimly, covered by the partly cloudy sky.

"That's our destination huh?", Marina said.

"Yeah… It's giving me goosebumps", Ethan said, his voice slightly fearful.

We got back into our vehicles and drove to the base. Within 50 meters of entering he branch, hordes of the withered started running at us. We drove into them, running them over. Base Alpha made these cars very durable. If not, we would've been withered food.

We entered the main gate and closed it. The rest of the horde scratching on the fence. Marina started explaining the layout of the base after being able to connect with the tower's system.

"The branch has 5 labs in total and there are 5 squads. Each with 4 people. So each squad will have to choose which lab they'll got to. The first 2 are located upward towards the south wing of the building. 2 more at the west wing. The final lab is deep within ground 0.", she explained.

Everyone mumbled, deciding which labs to explore. Other trying to decide which ones were less dangerous.

"As a member of squad 3 I suggest we take ground 0.", I said hinting a look to Elena, Marina and Ethan. They were able to understand what I meant and all agreed. Squad 1 and 4 chose the south wing while squad 2 and 5 chose the west wing.

"Then let's begin. The current time is 10:42. We'll regroup here at 14:00. If you don't manage to find the file, continue looking for more things that might be useful. With that, let's split up.", she instructed.

Elena let out an amused sigh. "It's impressive you have good leadership skills at your age.", she complimented.

"Thanks.", Marina replied.

"I'm shocked one of them didn't say anything rude to each other.", Ethan said.

"What was that!?", Marina asked, annoyed by his comment.

"He has a point though.", I said.

She let out a sigh. "Let's just get on with this."

We entered the Base and were greeted with a horde of the withered.

"Open fire!", Ethan yelled.

They started shooting at the withered, knocking them down as I dealt the final bow with my swords to any of the ones remaining alive. We moved forward but we heard the building shaking and a crack formed in one of the walls. Another horde broke through and started chasing us.

"I'll hold them off! You guys get to the lab!", I yelled.

I unholstered my pistol, firing to reduce their numbers. Each shot echoed through the air, and I watched as they fell, only to be replaced by more. My ammo ran out.

As the last bullet left my gun, I tossed it aside and drew the swords. Their weight was comforting. I swung, severing limbs and heads, but the withered kept coming. The ground trembled beneath me, cracks forming. I fought on, trying my best to hold them off so my allies can get to the lab.

Then it happened—the ground split open. I stumbled, losing my balance. The withered lunged, their rotting hands grabbing at me. I fell, swords slipping from my grasp. Darkness devoured me as I tumbled downward, the world spinning. The last thing I heard was a loud thud and everything went blank.

End of Chapter 10.