Prologue Part 2: The Voided Sovereign

In the dawn of existence, The All, the omnipotent architect, envisioned the cosmos into being with a single thought. From the great expanse of nothingness emerged the stars, the galaxies and the celestial bodies.

Yet, within this grand tapestry, was a void so deep that not even light dared to trespass. From its depths arose a being devoid of substance, without form. An opposite of creation, an anomaly. This being, without name, looked upon The All's creation with disgust. To it, the cosmos was not a masterpiece but an offense. Fueled by an insatiable hatred for existence, it travelled the cosmos, leaving devastation in its wake.

Worlds crumbled, stars were extinguished, and the fabric of reality trembled. In its path were celestial, beings that ruled above the deities.

"Could this be the being, foretold in prophecy?", pondered the first celestial.

The being uttered something.

"Formless one, may you repeat that?", asked the second.

Without hesitation, the being slaughtered them both, holding both their hands it uttered three words. "Destroy. All. Filth."

It ceased their kingdoms, leaving behind a trail of shattered thrones and broken souls. The being ascended the celestial hierarchy, earning the titles: "The Formless God", "Destroyer of Gods", "Devourer of Stars". Yet, above all, it was Erebos, The Sovereign of the Void.