Chapter 95 The Destroyed Land of Whirlpool

Chapter 95 The Destroyed Land of Whirlpool


Mito unconsciously took a step forward, but as if she suddenly came to her senses, her expression changed drastically and she took a few steps back.

But the feeling of suddenly losing strength was like falling from the top of a mountain to the bottom of the mountain. The touch under her feet was not solid ground, but soft and deep like yellow sand.

She stumbled a few times without adapting for a while, and fell backwards into a soft pile.


Mito's fallen body raised the dust under her feet, and an indescribable smell in the dust rushed from the surroundings and filled her nasal cavity.

"Cough cough! Cough!" Mito was choked and suffocated, and couldn't help but say, "What is this smell?"

No, that's not right, it should be said, where is this place?

Because she was lying on her back, her sight naturally fell on the sky.

It looks like diluted blood is smeared on the work made of sky as paper. The sky seems to have an entity, and it feels like it will topple down anytime and anywhere.

"Genjutsu?" Mito felt a sense of heaviness and depression in her heart. She felt the real touch of sand all over her body and said in a deep voice, "How could someone drag me, while I am in a half-tailed beast transformation, into an illusion?"

"Genjutsu" is essentially a technique that uses chakra to interfere with the target's chakra and affect its five senses, causing it to fall into an illusion.

When she entered the half-tailed beast state, the chakra in her body surged violently and was almost inexhaustible.

Perhaps the visual illusion released by the power of the Sharingan eye can do it, but Mito is confident that no one in the Uchiha clan can make her fall victim to this trick, because the Uchiha clan has not had powerful eyes for a long time.

"But, if I can't feel the presence of Kyuubi, I can't even extract chakra..."

Mito looked surprised and sat up with her hands on the ground. Only then did she realize that she was not lying in a piece of yellow sand, but in black and white fluffy ash.


Why are there ashes?

Mito instinctively raised her head and looked forward, but stopped when she saw the distance.

She saw buildings with the characteristic style of the Uzumaki clan, but only some ruins of those buildings were left.

Even so, Mito could still vaguely recognize the dilapidated tall building standing against the gray and white background, like a giant struggling to stretch its arms out of the quicksand.

Despair, helplessness, pain, fear...

The city is no longer a city, the streets are no longer streets, all she can see are ashes and dead buildings.

There was a voice in her heart that kept telling her that this was the place, the place where she grew up, the familiar yet unfamiliar hometown to her, this was Uzushio Village.

Yes, Uzushio Village.

The ashes in her hands seemed to still feel a little hot. Mito quickly stretched out her hands and made a seal and shouted: "Release!"

But there was no change in front of her. Uneasiness flashed in Mito's eyes as she struggled to get up.

In the end what happened?

Is this really an illusion?

Or should I say, what is in front of me is really...


Just as countless doubts filled her mind, the originally light wind suddenly became noisy.

There was a rustling sound coming from behind her, ranging from small to intense.

The ashes were blown into the air by the wind, making a fine and frivolous sound, and flew past Mito's face.

She felt a sharp pain like an ant's bite, raised her hands to cover her face, and trudged forward.

After she passed through the entrance door, the noisy wind in Mito's ears stopped.

"Ahem!" She couldn't help coughing twice, and moved her hand in front of her.

The dim light passed through the cracks in her hands and shone into her eyes, and a ridiculous and strange picture gradually appeared in her pupils.

For an instant, Mito stood stunned in front of the dilapidated building. The crimson sunset rose behind her at some point, shining a blood-like scarlet light source in front of her eyes.

"What is this?"

If Uzushio Village was a giant buried alive in a tomb, then what she saw now were the ants that once lived on the giant's body.

The densely packed gray figures with different shapes were standing in front of Mito at this moment.

Some are kneeling down, struggling to stretch out their hands, looking up at the sky, opening their mouths, or wailing silently...

Those gray figures are like silent statues. The wind blows, and gray embers fall from their bodies.

There was no living creature, only the disgusting smell of burning and everything in front of her.

"How could this happen?"

This scene was enough to make people fall into deathly silence. Mito's face was full of confusion. She gradually forgot about the possibility of illusion and subconsciously stepped forward.

She passed two statues standing together, with a gap of tens of centimeters between them, and they also had an arm missing.

It is conceivable that when facing death, they should be lovers holding hands together. Perhaps they still said the words of never separating before death, and then death separated them in a malicious way.

"They are Hirokii's son and daughter-in-law..."

Looking at the blurry faces of the two corpses, Mito actually recognized their identities.

Uzumaki Hiroki is a junior with whom she has a very good relationship. The letters she exchanges mention her son and daughter-in-law, and the words are always full of visible satisfaction.

In a recent letter sent to her, she mentioned that her daughter-in-law is pregnant. She wants to see her grandson before she dies...

After a moment of silence, Mito stretched out her hand stiffly, wanting to touch the two corpses.

But her fingertips only touched lightly, and there was a crisp sound instantly.

Kaka! Click!

Seeing the two corpses shattered into powder, Mito's face became even paler.

After falling into a long silence, she took another step and continued walking forward.

The corpse of a man opened his arms as if to block something, but it was obvious that he was engulfed by the surging flames.

Behind him were two slightly shorter and huddled corpses, and a frail woman's corpse squatted holding a small child, as if she wanted to protect her child in her arms.

But the end result was the same. All three members of the family died and turned into three charred corpses.

Old people, children, men, women...

Mito walked among the gray ruins, surrounded by gray-black figures on both sides.

They were once living human beings, but now they were all burned into charred corpses.


Looking at those familiar or unfamiliar faces, Mito felt it was harder to breathe as she moved forward, and fear and anxiety rose from her chest.

She felt like she was experiencing a terrible nightmare, a real, absurd nightmare from which she could not wake up.

At this moment, a rustling sound suddenly reached her ears.

Mito suddenly turned her head to look behind her, and the next moment, she suddenly felt a chill.

She saw those burnt corpses that had lost their flesh and blood, all turned their heads towards her.

(End of chapter)