Chapter 2: A Step into the Unknown

Note: For fun Character Images, Search on YouTube: Zombie Player and the Regressed Heroine: A Reality Awaits Septmber2024

Chapter 2: The Encounter

The next day, Aeon went about his routine with the same mechanical precision he always did. He woke up early, grabbed a quick breakfast, and headed to his first class. It was another day of lectures, assignments, and the endless grind of university life. And yet, beneath the surface of his calm exterior, a sense of anticipation lingered.

He hadn't seen Layla again since that strange encounter in the lecture hall, but he found himself more aware of his surroundings, almost as if he was expecting her to appear at any moment. It wasn't that he was actively searching for her—Aeon wasn't the type to go out of his way for anyone—but rather that he was cautious, like a predator who had caught the scent of something unusual in his territory.

As the day wore on, Aeon pushed the thoughts aside and focused on his studies. He spent hours in the library, poring over textbooks and taking meticulous notes. It was a routine that kept him grounded, that allowed him to maintain control over his life. And yet, even as he immersed himself in his work, he couldn't completely shake the feeling that something was off.

By the time his last class of the day ended, Aeon was ready to retreat to the solitude of his dorm room. The thought of a quiet evening alone was appealing, a chance to reset and prepare for another day. But as he walked through the campus, he noticed a familiar figure standing near the entrance to one of the buildings.

It was Layla.

She stood with her back to him, her dark hair cascading over her shoulders, and her posture as poised and confident as ever. Aeon's steps slowed as he approached, his instincts telling him to keep his distance. But something about the way she was standing—so still, so focused—made him hesitate.

Just as he was about to walk past her, Layla turned, her gaze locking onto him with the same intensity as before. There was no surprise in her eyes, as if she had been expecting him.

"Aeon," she said, her voice steady and composed.

Aeon didn't respond immediately, his cautious nature urging him to tread carefully. He didn't like surprises, and this felt like one. He simply nodded in acknowledgment, waiting to see what she wanted.

"Are you also a regressor?" Layla asked, her tone direct and devoid of any pretense.

Aeon raised an eyebrow. The question was unexpected, but not entirely incomprehensible. "Also?"

Layla's eyes narrowed slightly, as if she were assessing him. "You don't seem like the others," she said, her voice quieter now, more contemplative. "You move differently, think differently. I thought maybe you were like me."

Aeon's mind raced, trying to piece together what she was implying. He had no idea what she meant by "regressor," but the way she spoke about it made him think it was something significant. Still, he wasn't about to reveal anything, especially not to someone he barely knew.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about," Aeon replied, his tone measured. "I'm just trying to get through my classes."

Layla studied him for a moment, her expression unreadable. "I see," she said finally. "Perhaps I was mistaken."

Aeon could sense that she wasn't entirely convinced, but she didn't press the issue. Instead, she turned her gaze back to the building in front of them, as if contemplating something far beyond the walls of the university.

"There's more to this place than meets the eye," she said after a moment of silence. "More than most people realize."

Aeon glanced at the building, then back at her. "What do you mean?"

Layla didn't answer immediately. Instead, she seemed to weigh her words carefully before speaking. "You'll understand soon enough," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "Things are already in motion."

Aeon's instincts told him to be wary. He had encountered plenty of strange people in his life, but Layla was different. There was an air of certainty about her, as if she knew things that no one else did. And yet, she was vague, almost cryptic, in the way she spoke.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to know more, but he also knew that whatever she was talking about, it wasn't something he could easily dismiss. "And what exactly is in motion?" Aeon asked, his tone cautious.

Layla's gaze flickered back to him, and for a moment, Aeon thought he saw a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Something that can't be stopped," she said quietly. "But maybe it can be changed."

Before Aeon could ask what she meant, Layla turned and started walking away, her pace unhurried but purposeful. Aeon watched her go, a myriad of questions swirling in his mind. He wanted to follow her, to demand answers, but he knew that wouldn't get him anywhere. Layla was the type to reveal things in her own time, if at all.

As she disappeared from view, Aeon felt a strange mixture of frustration and curiosity. He wasn't the kind of person who liked being left in the dark, but he also knew that pushing too hard could lead to trouble. He needed to be careful, to approach this situation with the same level of caution he applied to everything else in his life.

With a sigh, Aeon turned and continued on his way, his thoughts once again consumed by the encounter. Layla had said things were in motion, that something couldn't be stopped. But what was she talking about? And why did she seem so certain that he was involved?

Aeon stayed in the café for a while longer, his coffee long since finished, as he tried to make sense of the situation. He wasn't one to believe in strangers' fantasy stories, but it felt as though his path had crossed with Layla's for a reason. And though he didn't know what that reason was, he had a feeling that it was going to change everything. 

therefore, Aeon opened his laptop, his fingers moving quickly over the keyboard as he searched for anything that might give him a clue about what Layla was talking about. He didn't have much to go on—just the word "regressor" and the vague sense that something was wrong—but it was a start.

Hours passed as Aeon delved deeper into the rabbit hole, combing through online forums, obscure articles, and any other resources he could find. The concept of regression wasn't new to him; he had encountered it in various forms in books and movies, but there was something different about the way Layla had spoken of it. It was as if she wasn't talking about fiction, but about something real.

As the night wore on, Aeon's frustration grew. The more he searched, the more questions he had. There were plenty of theories and speculative discussions about the idea of regression—living the same life over and over again, retaining memories from previous cycles—but nothing concrete. And certainly nothing that would explain why Layla believed he was involved.

Finally, Aeon leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. He hadn't found anything useful, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized that this wasn't something he could solve with a few hours of research. Layla had hinted at something deeper, something that required more than just information.

But Aeon wasn't the type to jump to conclusions. He needed to see more, to understand more before he made any decisions. For now, all he could do was wait and see what unfolded.

As he closed his laptop and prepared for bed, Aeon couldn't shake the feeling that his life was about to take a turn. Layla's words echoed in his mind—things are already in motion—and he knew that whatever was coming, it was beyond his control.

But Aeon had always prided himself on his ability to adapt, to stay calm in the face of uncertainty. Whatever lay ahead, he would face it with the same level-headedness that had gotten him this far. He wouldn't let anyone—Layla included—throw him off course. And yet, as he lay in bed, staring up at the dark ceiling, Aeon couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Layla had spoken with such conviction, such certainty, that it was hard to dismiss her words as mere ramblings. The truth was, Aeon didn't know what to expect. But one thing was clear: this was just the beginning. The beginning of something that would challenge everything he thought he knew about his life, about the world around him, and perhaps even about himself. And as sleep finally claimed him, Aeon knew that he needed to be ready for whatever came next. Because whatever it was, it wasn't going to be ordinary. And though he didn't know what the future held, he had a feeling that this was only the beginning of a much larger story—one that he was now a part of, whether he wanted to be or not.