Chapter 4: Shadows of the Past

Note: For fun Character Images, Search on YouTube: Zombie Player and the Regressed Heroine: A Reality Awaits Septmber2024

Chapter 4: Shadows of the Past

As Aeon stepped out of the library, the cool evening air greeted him with a gentle breeze, doing little to dispel the unease that had settled in his chest. The sky was tinged with the deep orange hues of a setting sun, casting long shadows across the university campus. The corridors were slowly emptying, students heading home or to their dorms, yet Aeon couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.

The day's events replayed in his mind like a broken record. Layla's piercing gaze, Aria's subtle yet longing looks, and Luna's enigmatic request weighed heavily on him. His thoughts were a tangled mess, and for the first time in a long while, he found himself questioning his decisions, his actions, and the ever-growing tension around him.

As he walked down the corridor, the distant sound of footsteps echoed behind him. Aeon paused, glancing over his shoulder, but saw no one. A chill ran down his spine, but he shook it off and continued walking. His mind raced with the day's encounters, and though he tried to focus on his upcoming project, his thoughts kept drifting back to Layla's intense stare.

Why was she so focused on him? What did she know? Aeon had always been good at reading people, at staying a step ahead, but Layla… she was different. Her actions were calculated, her gaze too knowing, as if she could see right through him. The thought unsettled him, and he quickened his pace, eager to reach the safety of his apartment.

The university grounds were eerily quiet now, most of the students having left. The usual bustling energy was replaced by an almost oppressive silence, broken only by the rustling of leaves in the breeze. Aeon's footsteps echoed as he approached the exit gate, the looming feeling of unease growing stronger with each step.

As he reached the gate, he noticed a figure leaning against the wall just outside. It was Ali, his high school friend, and a sense of relief washed over Aeon at the familiar face. Ali looked up as Aeon approached, a grin spreading across his face.

"There you are! I've been looking for you," Ali called out, pushing off the wall to meet him.

Aeon forced a smile, though it felt strained. "Hey, Ali. What's up?"

Ali shrugged, falling into step beside Aeon as they began walking. "Not much. Just thought we could grab something to eat, catch up. You've been hard to find lately."

"Yeah, I've just been busy," Aeon replied, his tone distracted.

Ali raised an eyebrow, studying Aeon's expression. "You sure you're okay? You seem… off."

Aeon sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's just been a weird day."

Ali chuckled. "Weird how? Layla giving you trouble again?"

Aeon stiffened at the mention of her name. "Something like that."

Ali nodded, his expression thoughtful. "You know, I've noticed the way she looks at you. It's like she's trying to figure you out, like she knows something we don't."

Aeon remained silent, his thoughts too tangled to put into words. He appreciated Ali's concern, but he wasn't sure how to explain the growing tension between him and Layla—let alone the complicated feelings from Aria and the others.

As they walked, the sound of hurried footsteps approached them. Aeon and Ali turned to see Aria, her face flushed, her breath slightly labored as she reached them.

"Aeon!" Aria called out, her voice a mix of urgency and something else—something deeper. Aeon noticed the way her eyes flicked briefly to Ali, then back to him, as if deciding whether to continue with what she wanted to say.

"Aria," Aeon acknowledged, keeping his tone neutral. The air between them was thick with unspoken words, and Aeon could already feel the tension building.

Aria hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath. "I need to talk to you. Alone."

Ali glanced between them, sensing the atmosphere. "I'll catch up with you later," he said, giving Aeon a quick nod before walking off, leaving them alone.

Aeon turned to Aria, who now stood just a few steps away. The way she looked at him was different from before—more intense, more desperate. He could see the conflict in her eyes, the words she struggled to find.

"What is it, Aria?" Aeon asked, his voice gentler now.

She looked down, her hands twisting together nervously. "I've noticed… I've noticed the way Layla looks at you," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I—"

"Aria…" Aeon started, but she cut him off, her voice rising.

"No, let me finish," she said, her gaze locking onto his. "I've… I've had feelings for you for a long time, Aeon. Ever since we met, I've admired you, and I thought… I thought maybe… you might feel the same way."

Aeon felt his chest tighten, the weight of her confession pressing down on him. He had known, on some level, that Aria had feelings for him, but hearing her say it out loud made it all too real. And now, standing there in the dimming light, with the echoes of her words hanging in the air, he knew that nothing he said could make this any easier.

Aria's voice softened as she continued, her vulnerability showing through. "I care about you, Aeon. I've… I've liked you for a long time. But if you're interested in her, just tell me. I don't want to be strung along."

"Aria…" Aeon began, searching for the right words, but before he could say anything more, a sudden scream pierced the air, followed by a cacophony of panicked shouts. The sound was so jarring, so out of place, that for a moment, Aeon thought he had imagined it.

But then the ground shook, the air filled with the unmistakable sound of chaos—a chaos that Aeon recognized all too well. His heart pounded in his chest as he turned toward the source of the noise, his mind already racing.

"Run!" someone shouted, and that was all it took to send the nearby students into a frenzied panic. Aeon's eyes darted around, trying to make sense of what was happening. People were running, screaming, their faces contorted with fear. And then he saw them—figures, moving in the distance, their movements jerky, unnatural.


"What the hell is going on?" Ali muttered as he hurreidly approched, his eyes wide with fear.

Aeon's blood ran cold. 

"Aria, Ali, we need to go. Now!" Aeon grabbed Aria's arm, pulling her away from the spot as the chaos around them escalated. He could see the fear in her eyes, but there was no time for explanations, no time to process what was happening. They needed to get out of there.

The three of them ran, their footsteps pounding against the pavement as they fled toward the dorms. Aeon's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, but one thing was clear—whether this was an accident or not. he must survive. And he had to figure out quickly how.

As they rounded a corner, Aeon spotted a group of students huddled together, their expressions a mix of fear and confusion as they were facing against a group of zombies.

Aeon's heart raced as he tried to process the sudden outbreak of chaos. But there was no time to think—only to act. His hand instinctively reached for the scissors in his bag, but before he could even unlock it, a figure burst into his line of sight.

It was Layla. She moved with a speed and precision that left Aeon stunned. In her hand was a sword—one that no one had seen her carry before. With fluid, practiced motions, she slashed through the air, cutting down the creatures that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The way she moved, the ease with which she dispatched the attackers, was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

Aeon's mind struggled to keep up. How did she get that sword? And how was she so skilled with it? But more than that, there was a coldness in her expression, a familiarity with the act of killing that sent a chill down Aeon's spine.

The campus had turned into a battlefield, and Layla was leading the charge. Without hesitation, she fought her way through the horde of zombies, her sword cutting through them as if they were nothing. Her movements were smooth, almost graceful, as if she had done this a multiple times before.

Aeon's body trembled slightly, a cold sweat breaking out across his skin. The scene before him was surreal, like something out of a movie or a nightmare. But despite the fear that gnawed at him, he forced himself to move, to keep up with Layla and the others. He couldn't afford to freeze, not now.

If today was his last day, then so be it. But he wouldn't go down without a fight. Aeon steeled himself, his resolve hardening with every step he took. He wouldn't let fear control him. Not now, not ever.

The sound of Layla's sword slicing through flesh and bone echoed in his ears as he followed her lead, determined to survive. He pushed down the fear, the trembling in his hands, and focused on the task at hand—staying alive.

As the zombies continued to pour in, Aeon's mind raced. He didn't have a weapon except for the scissor, but he couldn't just stand there doing nothing. He grabbed a discarded metal pipe from the ground, the weight of it unfamiliar in his hand, but it would have to do. he then used it to keep the zombies at a distance then stab them in the head with the scissor in his other hand.

Layla's gaze flicked to him briefly, a silent understanding passing between them. She didn't need to say anything—Aeon knew what he had to do. He swung the pipe at an approaching zombie, the impact jarring his arm, but he didn't stop. He couldn't afford to. then just like in the VR game he played recently he stabbed it in the head which killed it instantly.

The coldness that had settled in his chest was still there, a constant reminder of the danger they were in. But Aeon refused to let it consume him. He focused on the movements, the rhythm of the fight, and the determination that had driven him this far.

Aria and Ali were both astonoished at Layla remarkable fighting skills and at Aeon bravery but afraid and worried about Aeon however they didn't have any weapon because they were busy following along.

As the horde began to thin, Aeon's breath came in ragged gasps, his muscles aching from the effort. But they had made it—they had survived. Layla stood at the center of the carnage, her sword dripping with blood, her expression unreadable.

Aeon met her gaze, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The tension between them, the unspoken understanding, was stronger than ever. Layla had led the way, had fought like a seasoned warrior, but Aeon had refused to be left behind. He had faced the fear, the uncertainty, and had come out the other side.

But as the dust settled, Aeon couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. The world had changed in an instant, and nothing would ever be the same again.