The Coma Before the Storm

"Alright class, can you tell me the very basics of elemental essence?" its week 2 of high school in the year 2031 "elemental essence is the lifeblood of all living things" Sofia and Jaiden are about to watch a slide show all about elemental essence "Elemental Essence origins are unknown to science and physics, it was once discovered in 1779 by pioneer and spearhead of a group of adventurers known as Arthur Essence, as time progressed onwards, the evolution of technology surged to where we are today, in recent history, it has been uncovered that Elements and Essence separately have been around for far longer than even the prehistoric age and the abundance of evidence doesn't seem to be letting up"

A student raises his hand "yes mate, the one with the face only a mother can love" the kid lowers his hand and asks a question "how do we utilize Elemental Essence?" the teacher reply's "good question, Elemental Essence, like i said is the life blood of anything and everything, that extends from the smallest blades of grass to the largest of the stars, Elemental Essence is why the sun comes up in the morning" the kid interrupts him "this doesn't answer my question Mr. Walker" Walker again reply's as he raises a finger to the student "shut up, i wasn't done" he puts his finger down "Essence is created by elements primarily, living and non living organisms also give off essence but normally too lil' of an amount to detect" Jaiden raises his hand up high and shakes it violently, he really wants to be picked "Yes Jaiden" "how come i can see particles everywhere?" the rest of the class look over at Jaiden "that would be cos you are special and have 2 extra chromosomes" Jaiden leans back in shock "I'm kidding, its because you have the Life Element, you can see Essence on command and sense the small amounts of Essence emitting from lesser living organisms, i also see essence cos I'm also a life elemental and can see all your essence" he strikes a pose "cos your all fuckwits" Jaiden relaxes as the rest of the class faces the front again, Walker flicks through the slide show "in history, Crystals containing an abundance of Elemental Essence was discovered-" Walker drifts off as Sofia and Jaiden talk amongst themselves "doesn't havocs Mum have the Crystal element?" Jaiden utters quietly "yeah, she can enhance anyone she touches and can make near indestructible tools" Walker buts in towering over the two of them "you two have something to share?" Jaiden and Sofia look back up at Mr. Walker "no sir, we were talking about the crystal element" Walker turns around and walks back to the front of the class>

"SPEAKING of the Crystal element, that can also create these Crystals, they have come to be called Ignition Crystals" he turn back around as he gets back up the metaboard "these Crystals are recorded to boost an elements full output by 100%, that's double for any of you half developed drongos" another student raises their hand "why are you so mean?" Walker responds "I'm not mean, I'm so nice" he ruffles the head of another student close by him "now then, can anyone tell me what an raw element looks like?" several students put their hands up, Mr. Walker picks Sofia who also had her hand up "Elements when not harboured by a user, are small white balls emitting a glow of their respected colour, the size of these elements vary but are generally found to be at golf ball size" Walker gives her a round of applause "well done, 2 points to Gryffindor"

Walker checks the time "well it seems we're just a tad ahead of time so we shall do a small pop quiz" everyone's faces light up, quiz's are a fan favourite among many students "question one, what year was Elements discovered? Jaiden" Jaiden shouts out "1779" Walker congratulates him "Correct. Question two, where did the name "Essence" originate from? Fenrir" Fenrir stands "the term Essence originated from Arthurs last name, Arthur Essence" she sits as Walker also congratulates her "Correct, Question three, what purpose does Elemental Essence serve?" he calls out the name of another student "the reason why the sun comes up every morning?" Jaiden chuckles "ha ha, yes but no, Sofia?" she calls out "the building blocks of all things natural" Walker congratulates her as well and continues giving out questions.

The bell alarms out, everyone gets up and grabs their bags "alright, go grab something to eat something to drink and hope to god you all never return to my humble abode"

At the groups break area, their chatting amongst themselves about their periods, havoc says a few words "oh i had science, a fight nearly broke out" Connor perks at the convo "what happened?" "oh one kid was bullying another, i stepped in to stop the bully, he took a swing but... tripped on himself" everyone blankly stares at havoc... "what?" Sofia speaks "you took his feet out" Havoc looks to the right "no" he glances at Sofia before looking back to the right "you did, meaning a fight DID break out" Havoc turns back to Sofia "the guy had it coming, he was belittling an elementless" Sofia replies "should've started with that part"

A low rumble of thunder interrupts the conversation, Connor gets up and walks out from the under cover area, he looks intently at the grey cloudy skies "thunder storm?" Jaiden calls out as Connor stares upward "Lightning storm" Lloyd buts in "i heard if you get struck by lightning you have a chance of getting the lightning element" Connor corrects him "its a particular type of lightning strike that gives you that chance" Connor walks back to the group "its called a Blue Bolt, if you get struck by one of those then your instantly put into a coma, you receive the lightning element right away but only 1-25 come out alive, and even less come back in time" everyone stays quite as they all look at each other, Havoc breaks the silence "what do you mean 'come back in time'" Connor answers him "it relates to another element, the Element of Decay, the Death Element, how you receive the death element is survive a coma for a prolonged period of time, or in other words, defy death herself" Connor continues "most blue bolt victims come back with the death element instead of the lightning element, some cases result in the death of doctors due to the death elements unpredictable nature... its quite.. morbid but interesting to read"

The group all look at each other, there's fear among the group, Jaiden breaks the silence as Connor sits with the group once more "don't know about you guys but i don't fancy being struck by lightning and falling into a coma" Havoc follows up "no same here, would rather reserve for Plasma" Connor sits down "you want the plasma element?" havoc nods, Connor buts in "you want to know how to get it?" Havoc goes to nod but has second thoughts, he looks down in thought "on second thought, save the info for when i get the Plasma element" he chuckles nervously, another low rumble of thunder plays in the distance.

Break has finished and everyone gets to their classes, Havoc and Sofia are in the same class for their elective Woodwork, Havoc and Sofia are on the same table with another 2 students, 1 of the 2 look at havoc, then Sofia, and at Havoc again, he grins "Oi Havoc" he nudges his arm "you like Sofia~" Havoc looks up and at the student "I- what?" he pushes him embarrassed "No Ben you idiot" Ben whispers under his breath "you like her~~" Havoc checks him in the side of the torso "shut up" Sofia looks up at the both of them, she has her hair tied up into a large bun aside from every other time of the day "what are you boys on about?" havoc replies a bit flustered at the whole situation "Nothing" Ben snorts trying to control his quiet laughter "you alright Havoc? you look red" Havoc only gets more red "no no, I'm fine thank you"

A boy comes up to the table approaching Sofia "hey" Sofia already doesn't like him "what do you want?" he replies "the names Jason, but you can call me Babe" he grins trying to win her over, she's not impressed, she turns to his direction and crosses her arms "that was a rhetorical question and what i call you is up to me to decide" she stares at him sternly, he inches closer to her "playing hard to get baby girl? i like it" Sofia stands her ground "shut the fuck up and go away before i make you taste the inside of your own asshole" he inches closer again, he goes in to touch her cheek "sounds like i have to discipline you baby" havocs had it "Oi cunt!" Jason looks to his right and sees a irritated Havoc "fuck you want?" Jason reads Havoc before Havoc walks around the table, Sofia moves away from Jason who was invading her personal space "she told you to leave" Havoc gets right up into Jason's face "what are you gonna do? cry about not having an element?" Havoc gets more irritated "i don't need an element to make you cry to your mummy"

Jason spits in havocs face causing him to lose it and grab onto Jason's collar, Jason creates water out of the palm of his hands and envelops Havocs head, Havoc raises him up by his collar and slams him onto the table, the water drops onto the ground, Sofia and Ben both look at each other "he's new" Havoc elbows Jason's face before Jason gets to push havoc away with his legs "I'm gonna make you drown in your own blood bitch" Jason walks up to Havoc and takes a swing at him, Havoc blocks it and swings with his other arm striking him in the gut, Jason bends forward in pain "tall words for someone who's curling in pain" with Jason bending down holding his stomach, havoc holds his hair and knees him in the head sending him backwards and onto the ground, Jason wipes his nose of blood and looks at havoc whose standing tall above him "you ever touch or talk to Sofia again, your gonna learn what the definition of "Oh fuck" means you racist son of a fuck" Jason stumbles to stand back up "go clean yourself up, your bleeding all over the floor" Jason walks off after cussing at Havoc once more.

Havoc turns to Sofia, he's drenched "you alright Sofia?" she's stunned, staring at Havoc with wide eyes "what? am i bleeding somewhere?" she snaps back to reality "oh, uhm, no no" she glides her hand over her ear fixing up her hair and looking down to her right "i just... thank you" she smiles as she looks back up at Havoc.

Second break and Sofia is sitting closer to Havoc, she has her shoulder leaned up against his own "you alright Havoc?" Connor exclaims "you look like you just went to war" Havoc replies "someone threaten to hurt her" he glances at Sofia "but he... tripped and fell on his face" he glances upward, Jaiden walks up to their seating area, Havoc, Sofia and Connor have already set themselves up "i heard that, you beat up another person?" Havoc whistle's to himself "you gotta stop beating people up, its a bad habit" Jaiden sits down and takes his bag off his back "hey this is the first person I've actively punched this year" Jaiden takes his lunch out of his bag "its the second day of the year Havoc" Havoc raises a finger and goes to speak before pausing, Connor beats havoc to the tongue "why did this guy threaten to harm Sofia?" Jaiden looks at Connor then back at havoc "that part i didn't hear" havoc answers Connors question as Jaiden takes a bite out of his sandwich "he tried to flirt her up and she didn't like it so she said "fuck off before i make you" and so he threatened to "discipline" her, he also went in to touch her" Connor nods "I'm in agreeance of havocs actions" Jaiden nods as well having a mouthful of ham and cheese sandwich "mhm!"

some 5 minutes later, Lloyd finally joins them having being released from detention, and some 10 minutes afterward, a familiar face with a teacher shows up "Havoc Gledhow" Havoc looks up and sees a teacher and the same dismembered face he elbowed earlier "Mrs. Fens, nice to see you today, how's Georgia?" her face glows after learning the story already "oh, yeah she's doing good, complaining about homework as usual but she's doing fine" Jason looks at the both of them confused "Georgia?" Fens looks at Jason "my daughter" Jason replies in the same tone he had toward Sofia "what's she like?" before fens could answer him, havoc buts in "no you cannot threaten to hurt her either or touch her without her consent" Havoc is displeased about breathing the same air as Jason "shut up, you dislocated my nose" Havoc looks at his nose "mmm, looks pretty symmetrical to me" Jason gets pissed off and stumbles toward Havoc "you wanna go?" Mrs. Fens grabs Jason's arm before he could get far "Jason Fairaway, principals office, now" He pulls his arm away from her and stumbles away, again cussing out Havoc and Fens, Fens looks back at the group "I'm so sorry for disturbing you all, have a good rest of your day" Mrs. Fens holds her fingers against her ear before walking away "Principal Malcolm, Jason Fairaway is heading to the office for suspension" she gets too far away to hear the rest of the punishment, Jaiden looks at Havoc "that reminds me, why didn't the teacher break up the fight in your class?" Sofia answers for Havoc "she left the room to the lobby before hand, came back after he left" Havoc nods, even though he didn't see her leave "ohhh, that explains it"

A forest, trees that tower hundreds of meters over skyscrapers, thicker and wider than Mt Epicenter itself, all grown in rows as if manually planted that way and canopy's that leave room for sunlight to be desired, a white blur screams past followed by a black blur, the black blur fires a cast at the white blur, the white blur defends herself "Wall of Dawn!" white transparent bricks shield her from the black and purple cast as she orbits around another tree closely followed by her foe, she yells out to the black blur "Chloe! Why are you doing this?!" the girl presumably named Chloe yells back "BECAUSE YOUR THE LAST ONE DELIA! EPHIALTES STAKE!" a black stake with a purple inside materialises above Chloe, it hurls toward Delia, she manages to get out another shield before it were to make contact and retaliates "LIGHT FALL!" a beam of white and yellow light heads for Chloe, she enhances her arm with darkness and deflects Light Fall off to the side, the beam makes contact with the base of a tree leaving a sizable crater in the tree, the tree begins to crack and creak while Delia and Chloe remain in combat, the tree snaps and starts falling in the direction of the 2 of them, Delia changes trajectory and heads straight for Chloe, she mean to engage in combat with Chloe, Chloe envelops herself in her darkness, Delia rugby tackles Chloe, Chloe brings her hands together and slams as Delia's back with passionate force, the slam sends Delia downward, Delia regains her bearing and turns around to face Chloe, she envelops herself in her light and travels back up to Chloe, Delia launches a cast at Chloe, she brings her arm down blocking the cast, Delia uppercuts Chloe and kicks her in her gut.

The tree thousands of times bigger than the both of them, falls just past them as Chloe and Delia once again remain in combat with one another trading blows, blocking hits and launching close range casts at each other, Chloe swings for Delia's head, she moves her head to the side where Chloe swings another time for her head, Delia moves her back the other direction, Delia grabs Chloe's collar bringing her in and headbutts her, Chloe charges a cast from her chest, she screams as the cast blows Delia back into a tree, Chloe continues fourth into Delia slamming her into the tree, however to Delia's confusion, she doesn't continue into the tree, Delia tilts her head.

The tree closes up leaving Delia to panic in the pitch black... its quiet, no noise, no voices, no Chloe, no light... nothing... Delia begins to fall as the footing beneath her suddenly disappears without warning, flashes of her past appear followed by flashes of living nightmares, Jaiden dead in her arms, Alard crumbling into a blackhole, a figure consuming all, however one really gives her chills, herself but with the dark element following a black and purple entity, she recognises the entity as she continues to fall into nothingness, suddenly she slams onto a cold ground, a light illuminates her, Delia lifts herself up off the ground as she looks around in confusion hyperventilating, her eyes dart from left to right, she hears footsteps, she focuses toward where the footsteps are coming from, a figure walks towards her, brown hair with green highlights, Delia speaks out of confusion "...Jaiden?" he walks closer, just out of the light that illuminates Delia "what are you doing here honey?" Jaiden stands still, motionless with a dull face, Delia attempts to step forward but before she could plant her foot, Jaiden speaks "stop" she comes to a stop as the word reverberates around her, eyes wide open fixated on Jaiden.

"why- why stop?" Jaiden doesn't speak any further "Jaiden!" her yell reverberates around, the same as Jaiden's short lived speech, it goes quiet, a lock of eyes between Jaiden and Delia... until Jaidens hair colour shifts, it goes from brown and green to a pitch black like the void, his eyes also change from a heterochromic green and brown to pitch black, Delia reads him as his aura becomes sinister, Jaiden suddenly walks forward causing Delia to take a step back, the walk holds aggressive intent as he grabs Delia by the neck and holds her up, she speaks between gasps "w-why?" his shape changes, clothes melt into his flesh, hair molts away, mouth sows into his face and his height raises to 8ft tall, the figure becomes distinguishable, its black with an abundance of purple features, Delia recognises this creature "Nightmare..." he pulls her closer, still holding onto her by the neck, the mouthless supreme deity speaks "no matter how much light you make, how many flames you ignite or how much of my army you kill, there will always be a corner left untouched, a stone left unturned and a crevice left unchecked" he pulls her in even closer as his face gets right up to her right ear "my dreams are your nightmare" Nightmare holds her away from it, Nightmares skin tears open a wide gaping maw as it goes to bite Delia's head off.

Delia wakes up from her sleep, she's in her bed at home, Delia pats herself down in anxiety and quickly gets out of bed. a few minutes later she exits her bedroom fully dressed, its morning and Jaiden is having breakfast, she walks into the living room "morning mum" Jaiden notices her pale expression "mum? what happened?" Delia sits down on a chair at the table with Jaiden "mum.. just had a bad dream honey" Jaiden nods and has another mouthful of breakfast "Jaiden" Jaiden looks back at Delia "mums got business to do elsewhere" he finishes his mouthful of cereal "where will you go?" Delia answers him "i don't know honey, but i will be back" Delia stands up and walks for the door, she opens the door but before the exits, she looks back at Jaiden who is watching her "when will you be back?" Delia pauses for a moment before answering "i... don't know Jaiden" she stands there for a moment thinking to herself 'will i ever return?' Delia walks back up to Jaiden and gets on her knees next to Jaiden who still sitting at the table "Jaiden, you are my big, brave and lively little boy, right honey?" Jaiden nods if not a little saddened "mhm" Delia grabs his hand and holds it "promise me, when i return, you'll still be here" Jaiden grabs Delia's hand "i promise mum" Delia kisses Jaiden's forehead as she wishes him goodbye for now, she walks for the door and heads outside closing the door behind her, she stops by the road and looks up, she thinks to herself 'haven't flown in a while' Delia looks back down at the ground just Infront of her, she opens up her hands Infront of her before kneeling down a lil' bit, she jumps up and catches herself in midair, she grins as she raises up into the air. Jaiden gets himself ready for school.

Jaiden having gotten ready for school heads out the door, he closes and locks the door behind him and makes his way to the bus stop, Jaiden looks up at the sky and notices the stormy clouds "why are they blue?" he exclaims to himself.

Jaiden meets up with Lloyd and Sofia "Hey Jaiden, you know what's up with the blue clouds?" Jaiden replies "no i don't" he glances up again, then back at Sofia "could it having something to do with what Connor was talking about yesterday with the Blue Bolt?" Lloyd buts in "it makes sense i guess? Blue bolt, blue storm, he mentioned it was a lightning storm as well which i have no idea how he figured that part out" the bus turns the corner onto the bus stops street "bus is coming so it cant be that much of an emergency" the bus approaches the stop, the bus comes to a halt at the bus stop, the driver advises the kids to get on, they get on the bus, confused Jaiden asks the bus driver a question "sir, why do you sound urgent?" the bus driver answers him "cos kid, this storm you see above you is a blue bolt lightning storm, an incredibly dangerous natural disaster if you were to be struck by its lightning" Lloyd, Sofia and Jaiden all look at each other, Sofia looks back at the bus driver "why wasn't there a state wide emergency?" bus driver answers whilst turning a corner and straightening out "there was" the 3 of them look confused.

Havoc and Connor walk out in the open unbeknownst to the dangers that surround them, Connor has a good idea however "i don't like the looks of this storm" Havoc looks up at the cloudy sky's, a shade of blue coats the clouds "i don't know, looks quite pretty" a crack of lightning is heard in the distance, Havoc and Connor jump at the sound "yeah, ok, not pretty anymore, you said a direct hit from a blue bolt lightning strike can put a person into a coma immediately yes?" Connor responds as another lightning strike cracks in the distance "yes, we should go home for shelter" Havoc and Connor turn around "agreed" as soon and they turn around, lightning strikes right Infront of them both making them both jump, the turn around once again and run for cover, strike after strike hits the ground, loud wind howls threatening to rip roofs off buildings and tree branches off trees "WE CAN TAKE COVER IN THE COLES UP AHEAD!" Connor and Havoc turn a left corner, a fenced park is on the right side of the street, its lined with trees across the road "WHY WASNT THERE A BROADCASTED EMERGENCY?!" Connor yells back "I DONT KNOW!" Connor looks to the right into the park, he points at the park "LOOK!"

A boy is curled up in the middle of the park, too scared to make a move for himself, lightning strikes just some 20 meters away from Connor and Havoc, another lightning strikes the grass of the park, Havoc yells out to the boy "HEYYY!!" havoc runs up to the fence grabbing it "KIIID, RUN FOR COVER!!" the boy faintly hears Havoc, he raises his head up, the boys hair starts to stand on end, Havoc jumps the fence "Oh fuck-" Havoc runs as fast as he can toward the boy waving to run for the trees "GET OUT OF HERE!" the boy stands up and runs toward havoc, they make contact with each other, Havoc hugging him transferring the energy from the boy to himself, Havoc then throws the kid away from him and raises his arm up high, he takes a deep breath and starts yelling instructions at the kid "TUCK YOURSELF INTO A BALL STANDING ON YOUR TIPPY TOES, HOLD YOUR HEAD DOWN AND BRACE YOURSELF!" havocs body feels electrified, a Blue Lightning Bolt strikes Havoc, he screams of agony as his whole body singes and fries, the strike ceases itself and he falls to his knees, he speaks "are you... ok?" he collapses onto the ground Infront of the traumatized kid.

On the bus, Sofia feels visibly off "Sofia? you ok?" Lloyd looks Sofia in the face, she looks distressed "i... don't know, i feel sick like... i should be doing something"

The boy begins to cry as he looks upon Havocs immobile body, Connor runs into the open field after seeing Havoc collapse "Do you really have to make me use it?" Connor arrives to Havocs aid "ah ill just call for paramedics" Connor looks at the kid "COME WITH ME!" Connor picks Havoc up and jogs back for the trees, lightning strikes to the right of Connor, he puts him down gently leaned up against a tree, Connor watches as Havocs hair changes from black to black and electric blue highlights "congratulations, you now have the electric element, question is can you come back in time?" Connor takes his phone out of his pocket and rings the paramedics.

"WILL HE BE OK?" the kid looks worryingly at Connor, Connor looks at the kid as he leans up against the tree to the side of Havoc, he looks at Havoc "HE'LL BE JUST FINE, JUST TAKING A NAP!" wind howls on making it hard for Connor and the kid to hear each other, some 5 minutes later, the ambulance screams down the road and comes to a stop in front of Connor, Havoc and the kid, paramedics rush out, Connor picks Havoc up and helps the paramedics put him into the ambulance, 1 of the 2 paramedics goes up to Connor and shouts orders at him "OUR ELE-TECH DOME FABRICATOR ISNT FUNCTIONAL, CLIMB ONTOP THE AMBULANCE AND SHIELD US FROM LIGHTNING STRIKES!" before Connor can respond, the paramedic runs back into the ambulance, Connor thinks to himself "I- oh come on" Connor climbs onto the roof, he plants himself firmly onto the roof "FINE THEN, GUESS I HAVE NO CHOICE" for the first time in years, Connor activates his hidden element "COME TO ME DARKNESS" Connors hair floats up as he starts to glow black, he raises his arms up to the sky and creates a shield of black essence, his heart starts to pump "Ah fuck! been a while Element of Black" the ambulance gets going with the kid on the inside with havoc, the driver talks over a radio "SUN ZERO, this is AMB34, returning to Valock Royal Hospital with BB-Patient, Over" sun zero responds "AMB34, this is actual, preparing room BB5 for patient, Over" AMB34 acknowledges.

The Ambulance screams down the road, a lightning strike ricochets off Connors dome shield, the lightning seems to become more powerful as shards of glass spread out from lightning strikes, strikes leaving cracks and even craters more times then not, the Ambulance turns a corner as lightning ricochets off the dome again, the ambulance gets right up behind a bus and gets on the right side of the road to overtake it, the ambulance passes the bus, Sofia, Lloyd and Jaiden all see Connor on top of the Ambulance "CONNOR?!" Jaiden yells out, the bus driver follows up "What is that idiot boy doing on that ambulance?"

The Ambulance turns another corner, the driver presses a button on the dash, the driver calls out "Going into flight mode" the Ambulance begins to levitate just a few feet off the ground, the wheels tuck underneath the ambulance then raise into a compartment, a door closes the wheels into their respected compartments, the Ambulance raises higher into the air as they reach the end of the neighborhood "SUN ZERO, this is AMB34, approaching inner wall, Over" sun zero acknowledges, Connor brings the shield down as the ambulance enters a tube of glass big enough to house 4 vehicles side by side with comfortable space between them, he looks down beneath the Ambulance "this'll never get old" the tube goes into the inner wall tunnelling straight through, the tunnel is long, the wall thick enough to keep tsunamis out and residents safe, Connor thinks to himself, AMB34 emerges from the tunnel, Connor talks to himself as he looks over at the inside "the inner city" large skyscrapers tower over the ground floor with complex architecture, vehicles fly through the city on airborne freeways and elementals fly alongside the freeways on their own special paths, the ambulance descends to the ground after exiting the tube, the driver pushes the same button from before lowering the wheels onto the ground, the ambulance begins driving on the ground once again, after the ambulance, the bus follows behind, it too lowers its wheels and touches down, the kid looks at Havoc as Havoc lays down in the ambulance "your gonna be ok mister, the doctors will help you"

The doors to the hospital burst open, 2 paramedics and Connor rush Havoc inside ordering people to get out of the way, more doctors come to their aid as another 2 doctors open up doors through the hallway, they get to room BB5 and park the stretcher to the side of the nursing bed, they shift Havoc onto the nursing bed and begin hooking him up to coma recovery equipment, mask on his face, needles in his arm, scissors cut open his shirt exposing his chest and belly, all while Connor waits outside peering into the room.

After roughly 10 minutes, havoc is finished being hooked up, another call alerts the paramedics to get back on the road. Connor after observing, leaves, he shoves his hands into his pockets looking down, he seems displeased "..."