Karen has escaped

As Karen was dragged out, still screaming my name, I felt a sense of relief. The immediate threat was over, but I knew the fight wasn't truly over. There would always be those who couldn't accept my choices, my love for Jiyeon. 

I left the safe house feeling the oppressive scent of Karen's pheromones clinging to me like a toxic residue. The drive back to the mansion was filled with thoughts of Jiyeon and the life we were building together. I couldn't face her smelling like Karen. I needed to cleanse myself of every trace of that encounter.

When I arrived at the mansion, its grand stone facade and lush gardens a familiar comfort, I headed straight to the shower. As the hot water cascaded over me, I scrubbed my skin furiously, trying to rid myself of the artificial rose and musk scent. The hot steam mixed with the familiar strawberry scent of my own pheromones, finally overpowering the unpleasant odor.