Masterpiece in Chaos

Jiyeon was in full chef mode, pacing the kitchen like a lion ready to pounce, while Kang scribbled furiously on his clipboard, muttering to himself. Yura, ever the amused observer, leaned back against the counter with a smug grin, occasionally making sarcastic remarks that were mostly ignored but occasionally earned her a withering glare from Jiyeon.

"Okay," Jiyeon snapped, stopping in front of Kang, "what's the status on the sauces? I swear, if that béchamel isn't silky smooth, I'll personally strangle someone."

Kang didn't even look up, clearly used to her threats by now. "Calm down, Gordon Ramsay. Everything's fine. Béarnaise is ready, béchamel is smooth as silk, and your garlic gochujang sauce? It's currently working its magic on the lobster."

"Good," Jiyeon said, narrowing her eyes at him, "because if it's not magic, it's death."