Union of Soup ans Chaos

Jiyeon leaned over a massive pot simmering on the stove, a suspiciously green concoction bubbling within. The rest of the kitchen staff kept a safe distance, exchanging glances that ranged from mild concern to abject terror. Even Chef Kang, who normally strutted around like he was invincible, was eyeing the pot with what could only be described as wary distrust.

"What on earth are you brewing over there?" Yura asked, arms crossed as she watched Jiyeon with thinly veiled amusement. "It looks like you've summoned a swamp demon and are planning to invite it for dinner."

Jiyeon wiped her brow and smirked. "It's called culinary innovation, my dear. You wouldn't understand."

Kang snorted loudly. "Culinary innovation, my ass. That thing looks like it's about to sprout legs and run for office."

Jiyeon shot him a glare. "Keep talking, Kang, and I'll name this dish after you. 'Chef Kang's Catastrophic Cauldron' has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"