Chapter 162: Let's Escape, Young Man

"Sister, sister, praise me quickly, praise me quickly. It was my idea to bring the rescuers to get you out." Anya, who was hugging Jobs, heard these words and immediately let go of him. Instead, she bounced up and down in front of her family, eagerly seeking praise and rewards.

"What? Anya, what are you talking about? Where did you, a little girl, find the rescuers? Did you find them from God?" Her parents clearly didn't trust Anya's words. In their impression, Anya was just a child, so where could she meet important people who could save Jobs?

"It's true, it's true. Why don't you believe me? If you keep looking down on me like this, I'll get angry. Hmph!" Seeing her family's reaction, Anya said grumpily. Then she turned her head and ignored them.

"Alright, Anya. How old are you now? Still throwing childish tantrums. Since you keep saying you found the rescuers, can you tell Daddy who you went to see?" Jobs' father spoke up.

"It's Roland, he's my brother's friend. They founded the factory together. Because my brother always says he's very capable. So when my brother was in danger, I went to find him first. And he rescued my brother. How smart am I?" Anya said proudly, as if presenting a treasure.

Although she was already 18 years old this year, her parents always treated her like a child, which made Anya very angry. She felt underestimated.

"Roland! You actually went to find Roland." Jobs was shocked to hear Anya's words. He didn't expect the rescuer Anya brought to be Roland. If it was Roland, it would be easy to rescue himself, after all, he was so capable.

Roland's back? But why didn't he come to see me?

Actually, it's not that Roland didn't want to come, but he really couldn't spare the time now.

Since the news spread, many people have come to visit Roland in the hospital. These people are all high-ranking military officers and government officials from the upper echelons of France. In no time, the room was crowded, and there were quite a few lower-ranking officials in the corridor. The gifts they brought piled up like mountains, estimated to be worth at least several million francs.

This surprised Roland. No wonder so many officials like to receive gifts; this money comes too easily. But even so, Roland still politely refused their kindness. It wasn't time yet; he was afraid that too much contact with officials would arouse Napoleon's suspicion.

Everyone felt regret and sympathy for Roland's attack. As for the attackers?

After losing the protection of his father, Dusso-Audovoff, Virtue had become a stray dog ​​of a bereaved family. Combined with his previous crimes, though not sentenced to death by the court, a life sentence seemed unavoidable. At this point, this matter could be considered concluded.

As for Roland, his injuries were not severe, and with constant visits from people, he couldn't rest well. So, despite the late hour, Roland insisted on leaving the hospital and returning home. Louis initially disagreed, considering Roland's injuries were not fully assessed. But due to Roland's insistence, there was no choice but to agree. After completing the discharge procedures, Roland left the hospital with his family after just one day's stay.

The next day, Roland got up early, went to the yard, and exercised. He didn't feel any pain now, except for the scar on the back of his head, there was no sign of injury. When Maria saw Roland not resting properly, she couldn't help but nag, making Roland feel that perhaps all elderly women were like this.


At noon, after lunch, Roland wanted to leave home to go somewhere else. Naturally, this was met with strong opposition from Maria. Since Roland was attacked, Maria seemed to have developed a trauma, watching over Roland closely. At the beginning, she didn't even allow Roland out of her sight.

"Roland, stop right there. Where are you going?" Outside the yard, Maria stood angrily at the door, her eyes fixed on Roland, obviously upset by something Roland had done.

"Mom, I just want to go out for a walk, there's no need to be so nervous," Roland said with a smile.

"Roland, I've told you many times, no wandering around. Haven't you learned your lesson? Or did last time not leave a lasting impression on you?" Maria lectured Roland angrily, unable to understand why the adorable Roland from childhood became so disobedient as he grew older.

"Mom, you can rest assured. I'll always have guards with me when I go out from now on. Last time's incident will never happen again," Roland explained to his mother.

"What's the use of having guards? What if the other side attacks again? This time you were lucky and didn't suffer much harm. Do you realize that if they had struck harder, you would have ended up being a fool?" Maria said.

"It's not that mysterious, I'll take good care of myself, you can rest assured. Besides, Mom, there are many things at the arsenal that need my attention. Especially now, as we're developing a new type of weapon, they can't do without me there. Just think, Uncle Napoleon is currently in desperate need of manpower, what would others think if I didn't go?" Roland explained slowly and logically.

Roland's argument was indeed reasonable and convincing, but he forgot he was dealing with Maria, a mother who cared deeply for her child, and also a woman.

Women are unreasonable. No matter how eloquently Roland spoke, Maria remained firm in her decision.

"No, absolutely not. When I say no, it means no. Today, you're not going out," Maria said firmly.

"Roland, you better go back right now, or I won't be polite anymore." Maria issued her final ultimatum to Roland, while rolling up her sleeves, revealing her clenched fists. If Roland continued to disobey, she didn't mind letting him feel a mother's love once again.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back now." Seeing Maria raise her fist, Roland could only yield temporarily. After all, he was already grown up and didn't want to be beaten by his own mother again, which would be too embarrassing.

Finally, under Maria's "persuasion," Roland had to temporarily avoid her sharpness and chose to return to his room for the time being.

But would Roland really be so obedient?

On the way back to his room, Roland was already looking for other ways to escape.

"Sigh, I didn't expect to use this method after crossing over." Inside the room, Roland was tying his bedsheets into a knot, twisting them into a rope. This was originally a method used by the previous Roland to skip school and go to internet cafes. But he never expected to use it here today, what a twist of fate.

After tying the bedsheets together into a rope, Roland lowered it from the window. It seemed sturdy enough when he tested it.

"Mom, I'm leaving first. I hope you won't worry too much, I really have urgent matters to attend to, and I hope you can understand." Roland jumped onto the window sill, looking at the note he left for his mother Maria on the table, murmuring to himself.

I wonder what Maria's reaction will be when she sees his note? She'll probably be furious!

But for now, Roland couldn't worry about all that. He had to go to the arsenal to check on Jobst and see if he was okay. Moreover, after such an incident, there must be unrest within the factory, and he needed to stabilize morale. If people were unsettled, it could affect production and jeopardize the French rifle ring project.

What's more, he needed to find someone to review the plans for the new artillery he'd handed over to the arsenal. Once the parameters were integrated, they could open the production line.

In short, there was a lot to do next, and Roland didn't have time to sit at home.