What Have I Gotten Myself Into!?

My eyes had to be playing tricks on me but this would explain why Bong was so strong.

He was an established fighter like Minsuk and I knew at that moment that my revenge wouldn't be as easy as I thought.

But I was looking forward to ruining his life like he did mine even though I had no idea where I was going to start from. 

I knew getting stronger should be high on my list, I saw my driver waiting for me but I had no intention of going home just yet after remembering that the waitress at that restaurant wished to see me.

I didn't need an entourage escorting me everywhere I went like some child that needed protection.

I had trouble remembering her name but thankfully, my memory wasn't about to fail me. 

I thought about waiting until the sun had settled but that would make it a risky situation for her as I had no idea what her living situation was like and the last thing I needed was something happening to her. 

However, I was curious about that text message accusing Minsuk of something.

I thought about shooting back a message but I knew I had to understand the situation I was getting into first. Hopefully, Yumi could get me some answers. 

I hailed a cab and off I was, managing to sneak past my driver and security. 

They weren't very good at their job, were they? 

That shouldn't be the case seeing as we had money to hire the best of the best.

This wasn't what was on my mind, I flipped through my contacts to see if I had Yumi's number as I was certain that Minsuk must have had some sort of deal with her.

However, I remembered that this phone was blank with no information whatsoever.

For her to want to see her in such a manner, there was something that she knew and I was going to find out just what that was.

It took a little over twenty minutes for me to arrive at my destination, the driver sure took his sweet time but he didn't try to initiate any form of conversation and I appreciated that.

"Here's your stop…" The driver said but he looked at me, expecting me to already have the cash in hand to pay him.

"Shit! I don't have any cash on me!" This thought struck me, I haven't had to pay for anything since I became like this.

However, I was locked out of the bank apps on this phone because I didn't know the passwords and for some reason, it didn't accept face recognition.

I found this weird considering that I had the same face as him but I didn't have time to question it.

I walked towards the restaurant and just like the universe was putting things in place, there was Yumi standing outside waiting for something.

I wanted to approach her but something told me to watch for a bit; it made me feel weird, I felt like some creepy stalker.

However, I knew it was best to listen to my instincts, I wanted to go home in all honesty and get some much needed rest but I also wanted to get this over with.

"Hm…" I muttered to myself upon noticing someone approaching her, she smiled at him but her body language told me she was uncomfortable with whatever interaction they were having.

Then another man soon joined them, there was a brief moment of terror on her face but then she followed them but something told me it wasn't of her own accord.

I could smell pieces of shit from afar and these men had that stench but where were they taking her and did I want to get involved? That was the big question.

I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something bad happened to her but I was also aware that this was none of my business, was it?

That is the thing, I couldn't say for sure and it was becoming tiring.

I resigned to my fate and trailed them, they were leading her away but the further they went, the more deserted the area looked.

Then they took a sharp turn, out of sight but that looked like an alleyway but what business did they have taking her to an alleyway?

I knew we had left the posh area and wandered into the less fancy parts of town, I didn't know if she knew them or if this was a set up.

What if this was the plan? I was supposed to meet up with her and they gang up and rob me to the bone or even worse, kill me?

"Calm yourself, Byung…" I whispered but I could feel my heart pounding with each passing second.

I had already come so far, I wasn't going to leave without knowing what they planned to do to her.

I walked around the corner and saw that there were more than two people there, there were at least three others excluding those two but I couldn't make out their features.

Yumi was whimpering and pleading, I could only hear her because she was so loud but the men speaking to her were barely audible.

Then I heard a loud smack and silence followed, I couldn't let any harm come to Yumi and I was hoping I wasn't too late.

I rushed in without a moment's notice, I knew this was a bad idea but what kind of man would I be if I let these vultures do whatever it was that they intended to do.

But I soon regretted my decision because the people before me didn't look like your average thugs. No, these guys were the real deals, covered in tattoos and had faces that only a mother could love. Their eyes settled on me like they had just seen prey.

"Minsuk, is that you?" A voice called out but there was something familiar about this voice.

"Jay!?" I thought to myself but more importantly, how the fuck did he know Minsuk?