Milf In Heat!

I chuckled to myself, I am beginning to understand the gods and the conditions of their tasks.

If I never came here and if she wasn't touching herself, would the God of Immorality have given me that task?

Did it have some sort of precognition that could see the future or determine what scenarios would play out?

It had to otherwise it wouldn't know what she was touching herself in that house nor could it have been a lucky guess either.

But this woman had taken her sex toy but where did she hide it?

This was the least of my concern right now, I had to find a way to grope her before the timer ran out.

I chuckled at the thought of touching her but this was my revenge on Bong, I didn't just want to ruin him, I wanted to ruin his family like he did mine.

And I was going to start with his mother, I took a seat on the couch and that was when she walked into the living room.

She was holding a plastic cup of water and I couldn't help myself, I chuckled at the thought of it because it was clear that she didn't want to have a repeat of what just happened even though it was technically not my fault.

"Thank you…" I said as I collected the cup of water from her and she took a seat opposite me.

She was not in a hurry for me to leave and I wasn't going to let this opportunity slip by to fracture her marriage and in turn, their family.

"So have you tried calling your friend?" She tried to begin a conversation, I wish she was closer so I could 'accidentally' touch her and get it over with.

After that, I could then proceed to do whatever it was that I intended because I didn't plan to stop at just groping her.

"I tried but I can't say they are too eager to see me, I don't know why but I have always had trouble making friends," I responded, trying my best to present the pity story so her motherly instinct would kick in.

"Hahaha! I'm certain that isn't the case, you look like quite the gentleman," She tried to comfort me but I didn't need it. It was a blatant lie after all.

"I would hope so…" I responded, I noticed the TV on the wall and knew that television would act as a great way to add more things to discuss.

I looked to my side and saw a remote but I knew I had to keep the conversation going in the meantime.

"I don't know why but this doesn't just extend to people but women as well," I tried to add some spice to it and I managed to catch her attention.

"I'm sure a strapping young man like yourself has ladies fawning over him," She said. 

I knew I was drawing her in but I also knew this conversation was strange, it would be an inappropriate conversation to have with someone you just met.

"I guess I just always had a thing for older women," I said and then the pause that followed felt like an eternity.

I needed an icebreaker and now! I quickly grabbed the remote and pressed it but to my surprise, the television didn't turn on.

"Huh?" I thought to myself as I began to press random buttons on the remove chaotically but nothing happened.

Rather, Bong's mother hastily got up to her feet and rushed towards me, I realized what the remote I was holding was but I also found out where the toy went.

She kept it inside, what a fucking pervert but this made things a lot easier for me.

The moment I knew what the remote I was holding was, I increased the vibration frequency and the sensation that rushed through her body caused her to stumble over my laps.

"Are you okay!?" I feigned concern but my hand still had control of the remote.

And she lost her ability to resist, she just laid on my lap trying her best not to give in but it was too late.

I had her right where I wanted to, she bit her lower lips and a little moan escaped those lips, that is when she realized what she was doing and jumped up.

She managed to wrestle the remote from my hand during that time frame but I had accomplished my task.

"I-I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me!" She apologized but during the commotion, I must have gotten too excited.

She noticed it and looked away, flustered but things had definitely gotten awkward but I was thankful for the notification that popped up. 

[[Task completed!!]]

I must have groped her during the process without even realising it but this filled me with relief.

[[Congratulations, you have completed 1% of the gods task!]]

[[Host memory unlocked: 2%!!]]

[[Host core memory unlocked: 2%!!]

Like a jolt of lightning running through my entire body, my body felt slightly lighter but that wasn't all. 

But there was an image I saw in my head, it was only for a second but I was standing over a girl with my hands soaked in blood.

This was Minsuk's memory! It had to be but this was all there was to it, there was nothing else to go by but this image opened the door to so many possibilities.

"I think I should get going…" I said, getting to my feet. 

I had planned to fuck her but this had startled me. 

I realized that Bong's mother wouldn't be difficult to conquer, she might be a married woman but she was clearly sex-starved and I planned to satisfy that craving. Revisiting the hole that little fucker came out from would be the ultimate feeling but she was a snack I had to save for later hence why I made sure to get her number before leaving.